Inside Smartgeometry : expanding the architectural possibilities of computational design / [edited by] Brady Peters & Terri Peters.
Titre et auteur:

Inside Smartgeometry : expanding the architectural possibilities of computational design / [edited by] Brady Peters & Terri Peters.


Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom : John Wiley & Sons Ltd, [2013]


271 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 26 cm.


AD smart ; 01

Includes bibliographical references.
The origins of Smartgeometry / Hugh Whitehead, Lars Hesselgren and J Parrish -- First build your tools / Robert Aish -- Parametric evolution / Branko Kolarevic -- Matrix architecture / Jenny E Sabin -- Metrics of human experience / Roly Hudson and Michael Westlake -- Interacting with the model / Neil Katz, with Bess Krietemeyer and Tobias Schwinn -- Responsive design: towards an ecology of objects and people / Andre Chaszar, Anton Savov, Peter Liebsch and Sascha Bohnenberger -- Design flow and tool flux / Robert Woodbury -- The sound of Smartgeometry / Brady Peters -- Design exploration and steering of design / Axel Kilian -- Geometry: how smart do you have to be? / Chris Williams -- GenerativeComponents and Smartgeometry: situated software development / Volker Mueller and Makai Smith -- From descriptive geometry to Smartgeometry: first steps towards digital architecture / Mark Burry -- Exploring human-computer interaction in design process / Flora Salim and Przemek Jaworski -- Designing intelligence: DIY robotics for responsive environments / Nick Puckett -- Encoding design / Fabian Scheurer -- Working prototypes, creating knowledge / Shane Burger and Xavier De Kestelier -- Mind the gap: stories of exchange / CASE -- Designing robotic assemblies / Tobias Bonwetsch -- The practice of Smartgeometry / Hugh Whitehead -- Digital crafting: performative thinking for material design / Mette Ramsgard Thomsen and Martin Tamke -- Design robotics: new strategies for material system research / Martin Bechthold.

Smartgeometry (SG) is a key influence on the architectural community who explore creative computational methods for the design of buildings. An informal international network of practitioners and researchers, the group meets annually to experiment with new technologies and collaborate to develop digital design techniques. When SG was founded in 2001 by London-based architects and friends Hugh Whitehead (Foster + Partners), J Parrish (AECOM) and Lars Hesselgren (PLP), there was little in the way of parametric tools for architecture. SG was founded to encourage the development, discussion and experimentation of digital design techniques driven by design intent rather than on construction specifications. SG calls for a re-consideration of the design process, where the creation of computational mechanisms become an integral part of designing - not a task done prior to or separate from the process. In the early years of the workshops this need for new ways of design thinking led to the development of Bentleyś GenerativeComponents software. In recent years, the ecology of these design environments has diversified to include multiple software platforms, as well as innovative fabrication techniques and interactive environments. SG has grown accordingly from a handful of experts to an international network of designers who are defining the future of design. Founded by digital pioneers, it creates the algorithmic designers of the future.
Inside Smartgeometry can be seen as a retroactive manifesto for SG, examining and contextualising the work of the SG community: the digital spaces, prototypes and buildings designed using bespoke tools created in response to architectural ideas. From interactive crowd-sourcing tools to responsive agent-based systems to complex digitally fabricated structures, it explores more than a decade of advances that have been influential for architecture. Through 23 original texts including reflections by the founders, and key contributors such as Robert Aish, Martin Bechthold, Mark Burry, Chris Williams and Robert Woodbury, the book offers a critical state of the art of computational design for architecture. Many international design and engineering firms have participated in SG and the book includes chapters by practitioners from offices such as CASE, Design2Production, Foster + Partners, Grimshaw, Populous and SOM.


9781118522479 (hardback)
1118522478 (hardback)
9781118522448 (ebk)
1118522443 (ebk)
9781118522455 (ebk)
1118522451 (ebk)


Architecture and technology Great Britain.
Architectural practice Great Britain.
Architectural design Data processing.
Architecture et technologie Grande-Bretagne.
Architecture Pratique Grande-Bretagne.
Design architectural Informatique.
Architectural practice
Architecture and technology
Great Britain

Vedettes secondaires:

Peters, Brady, editor.
Peters, Terri, editor.
AD smart ; 1.

Inside SG


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 283786
Cote: BIB 222192
Statut: Disponible


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