Modern architectures : the rise of a heritage / edited by Maristella Casciato and Émilie d'Orgeix ; [translator, David Hunter].
Entrée principale:

Architectures modernes. English.

Titre et auteur:

Modern architectures : the rise of a heritage / edited by Maristella Casciato and Émilie d'Orgeix ; [translator, David Hunter].


Wavre (Belgium) : Mardaga, ©2012.


194 pages : illustrations (some color), plans ; 27 cm

Published also in French under title: Architectures modernes : l'émergence d'un patrimoine.
"This publication is the result of a ... collaboration between the Département des Affaires européennes et internationales (DAEI) of the Direction générale des Patrimoines of the Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication and Docomomo International"--Preface
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Preface / Bruno Favel -- Introduction / Maristella Casciato, Émilie d'Orgeix -- The list and the type : from thematic inventory to the (re)writing of the history of modern architecture / Panayotis Tournikiotis -- Modern heritage : the challenge of serial sites / Émilie d'Orgeix -- How America learned to stop worrying and love Brutalism / Joan Ockman -- Authorship and heritage issues / Maristella Casciato -- A narrative portrait of Israeli modernity : the urban and the rural / Marina Epstein-Pliouchtch -- A hard road of modern heritage : the ups and downs of conserving twentieth-century buildings in Britain in the twenty-first century / Alan Powers -- Modern Latin American housing as heritage / Hugo Segawa -- Modern landscape : integrating nature into architecture / Franco Panzini -- The hundred years war : towards a global narrative of mass housing / Miles Glendinning -- The challenges of a heritage that is no longer new / France Vanlaethem -- MoMo architecture in the heart of darkness : challenges to the documentation and conservation of modern heritage in central Africa / Johan Lagae -- Modern and extra-territorial : Lucjan Korngold, a Polish immigrant architect in Brazil / Anat Falbel -- Mario Romañach : tradition and modernity in the quest for Cubanness / Eduardo Luis Rodríguez -- Filling in : the creative potentials of Africa's modern spatial legacy / Hannah le Roux -- Conserving the modern in the twenty-first century : shifting dialogues and new approaches or a continuum of conservation culture / Susan Macdonald -- The nomination of the architectural work of Le Corbusier as a world heritage site : chronicle of a double refusal / Gilles Ragot -- Beloved modern : re-engaging with original designers / Sheridan Burke -- Heritage preservation and education : from advocacy and apprenticeship to academic discipline / Theodore Prudon -- Contributors -- Index -- Picture credits.



Architecture, Modern 20th century Conservation and restoration.
Modern movement (Architecture)
Architecture, Postmodern.
International style (Architecture)
Architecture 20e siècle Conservation et restauration.
Mouvement moderne (Architecture)
Architecture postmoderne.
Style international (Architecture)
International Style (modern European architecture style)
Architecture, Modern Conservation and restoration.

Vedettes secondaires:

Casciato, Maristella.
Orgeix, Emilie d'.
France. Direction générale des patrimoines (2010- ). Département des affaires européennes et internationales.
International Working-Party for Documentation and Conservation of Buildings, Sites and Neighbourhoods of the Modern Movement.

Rise of a heritage


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 279831
Cote: BIB 216091
Statut: Disponible


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