Guidi, Guido, 1941- photographer, writer of added text.
Guido Guidi : La figura dell'Orante : Appunti per una lezione.
Lugo : Edizioni del bradipo, [2012]
vii, 32, xv pages : color illustrations ; 24 x 30 cm
Guido Guidi, a key figure of European photography, has spent three decades teaching and sharing his knowledge at the University of Architecture in Venice, at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ravenna and at the Institute of Industrial Arts in Urbino. Over this period Guidi has developed a personal philosophy about the language of photography that has informed his artistic practice. In this publication, conceived as a visual notebook, Guidi examines the silent language of communication through signs and symbols by excavating the work of masters of photography. Inspired by the famous mosaic of St. Apollinaris in Class in Ravenna, The figure of the Saint is the first in a series of Guidi's notebooks of great educational and artistic value.--Lugo Land website.
Guidi, Guido, 1941- Catalogs.
Guidi, Guido, 1941-
Photography, Artistic.
Photographie artistique.
art photography.
Frongia, Antonello, writer of added text.
Aigura dell'Orante : Appunti per una lezione
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 280132
Cote: BIB 216591
Statut: Disponible
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