Ouellet, Jean, 1922-2004.
Fonds Jean Ouellet, 1964-2002.
883 items, 3 linear meters of textual records.
Access by appointment only.
Consists of 693 photographic documents (approx.), 3 linear meters of textual documents (approx. 217 items), 91 drawings, 59 reprographic copies, 33 graphic documents and 7 publications concerning 12 projects which include schools, government buildings and pavilions, residential buildings, parcs, etc.
Jean Ouellet (born 1922 in Rivière-du-Loup, died 6 March 2004) ; Flight Lieutenant during World War II; graduated in architecture from the Ecole des Beaux-Arts de Montreal in 1952; partner at Jean Claude LaHaye et associés, urbanistes conseils in 1958 ; partner at Ouellet et Reeves architectes in 1961; partner at The Hague and Ouellet, urban planners and architects, from 1971 to 1985 ; recipient of numerous awards and medals: two Massey medals for its Îlots Saint-Martin and for the Garage Louis-Colin at the University of Montreal ; Fellow of the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada in 1972 ; Medal of Merit of the Order of Architects of Quebec in 1978 ; vice-Chairman of the Rioux Committee between 1965 and 1968 ; president of the Order of Architects of Quebec in 1972 ; associate professor at the School of Architecture at the University of Montreal from 1980 to 1993 and director from 1980 and 1985.
Ouellet, Jean, 1922-2004.
Youth Pavilion (Expo 67, Montréal, Québec)
Méridien (Montréal, Québec)
Complexe Desjardins (Montréal, Québec)
Université du Québec à Montréal.
Université de Montréal.
Architecture Québec (Province)
Architecture Competitions Québec (Province) 20th century.
Housing Québec (Province) Montréal 20th century.
Architecture, Modern 20th century.
Architecture, Modern.
Architecture Concours Québec (Province) 20e siècle.
Architecture 20e siècle.
Architecture Competitions
Québec Montréal
Architecture (object genre) Canada Québec (Province) Québec 1960-1970.
Architecture (object genre) Canada Québec (Province) Montréal 1960-2000.
Canadian architects.
Canadian urban planners.
Unbuilt projects Canada Québec (Province) Montréal.
Judicial buildings Canada Québec (Province) Montréal.
Dwellings Canada Québec (Province) Montréal.
Fair buildings Canada Québec (Province) Montréal 1960-1970.
World's fairs buildings (structures) Canada Québec (Province) Montréal 1960-1970.
Fonds (collections)
Architectural drawings (visual works)
Negatives (photographs)
Black-and-white photographs.
Slides (photographs)
Project files.
Archives Jean Ouellet, 1964-2002
Localisation: Bibliothèque archives collection 274967
Cote: AP129
Statut: Disponible
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