Todd, Sereno Edwards, 1820-1898.
Todd's country homes, and how to save money to buy a home; : how to build neat and cheap cottages; and how to gain an independent fortune before old age comes on, with a description of the wonderful agricultural and horticultural advantages of New Jersey, including also, a business directory. / By Sereno Edwards Todd, of the New York Times, author of "Todd's Young farmer's manual," and "Todd's American wheat culturist."
New York: : Published by the author, Office of the Church Union, 41 Park Row., 1868. Copyright secured.
432, 129, 18, [33] p. : ill., plans ; 19 cm.
Architecture, Domestic Designs and plans.
Landscape architecture.
Housing Finance.
Home economics.
Architecture domestique Dessins et plans.
Architecture du paysage.
Logement Finances.
Économie domestique.
farming (activity or system)
home economics.
Architecture, Domestic.
New Jersey Description and travel.
New Jersey Descriptions et voyages.
New Jersey.
Architectural drawings.
Relief prints.
Publishers' cloth bindings (Binding) 1868.
Directories United States.
Booksellers' tickets (Provenance)
Country homes.
United States New York New York.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 82870
Cote: ID:86-B16048
Statut: Disponible
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