Urban design ecologies / edited by Brian McGrath.
Titre et auteur:

Urban design ecologies / edited by Brian McGrath.


Chichester, West Sussex : Wiley, ©2013.


319 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), maps (chiefly color) ; 25 cm.


AD reader

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction / Brian McGrath -- The architecture of the city / Aldo Rossi -- Collage city / Colin Rowe and Fred Koetter -- Cities within the city / Oswald Mathias Ungers -- Chicago à la carte / Alvin Boyarsky -- Life in the metropolis or The culture of congestion / Rem Koolhaas -- The making of Hong Kong / Barrie Shelton, Justyna Karakiewicz and Thomas Kvan -- The territory of architecture / Vittorio Gregotti -- Los Angeles : the architecture of four ecologies / Reyner Banham -- Learning from Las Vegas / Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown and Steven Izenour -- An urbanism of reform / Albert Pope -- Mega urban ecologies / Sharon Haar and Victoria Marshall -- Ecology of the city : a perspective from science / Steward TA Pickett -- People as infrastructure : intersecting fragments in Johannesburg / AbdouMaliq Simone -- Bangkok : the architecture of three ecologies / Brian McGrath -- Sustainable megacity visions from São Paulo / Carlos Leite -- Frugality and urban life / May Joseph -- Design, sustainability and the global city / Christian Hubert and Ioanna Theocharopoulou -- Situationist space / Tom McDonough -- The Manhattan transcripts / Bernard Tschumi -- The fragmented metropolis / David Grahame Shane -- Designing ecological heterogeneity / ML Cadenasso -- The elementary city / Paola Viganò -- Made in Tokyo / Momoyo Kaijima, Junzo Kuroda, Yoshiharu Tsunamoro.

"The discipline of urban design is undergoing a rapid expansion and realignment. It is experiencing a shift from a profession dominated by architects and planners, directed at urban development, to a more expansive set of practices engaging new forms of social and environmental ecologies, as cities worldwide adapt to economic restructuring, mass migrations and climate change. Bringing together classic and new texts from the last 40 years, this AD Reader focuses attention on the critical tools needed to understand how cities have been designed and constructed and then changed over time. This enables new ways of envisioning how cities must be conceived and adapted in the future to the dual conditions of rapid urbanisation and economic restructuring, coupled with unpredictable environmental conditions due to climate change. With its emphasis on both urban design and the ecological, this book brings together key articles that point the way forward for reconciling the often conflicting concerns of urbanism and environmentalism. Twenty-three texts are organised into four distinct sections, covering metropolitan architecture, the sprawling megalopolis, the megacity and the recently emerging metacity. These are broadly chronological and highlight the recent thinking behind some of the key urban developments, ranging from the art of traditional city-making covered by European architects and historians in the late 20th century to contemporary Tokyo described by Atelier Bow-Wow..."--Publisher description.


9780470974056 (pbk.)
0470974052 (pbk.)
9780470974063 (hbk.)
0470974060 (hbk.)


Urban ecology (Sociology)
City planning.
City planning Environmental aspects.
Écologie urbaine.
urban environments.

Vedettes secondaires:

McGrath, Brian.
AD reader.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 290071
Cote: BIB 232817
Statut: Disponible


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