Barber, Stephen, 1961- author.
Muybridge : the eye in motion / Stephen Barber.
[Washington, D.C.] : Solar Books, 2012.
[Chicago] : Distributed by University of Chicago Press
200 pages : illustrations ; 26 cm.
Solar film directives
Much of contemporary visual culture can be traced directly to the work of Eadweard Muybridge, photographer and film pioneer. His work is powered by an extreme obsessionality, excess and ordinariness that enabled him to negate all preconceptions and to re-conceptualize the dynamics of corporeal and urban forms. He created a moving-image projector, the Zoopraxiscope, for his sequences of human and animal movement, thus construction the first identifiably cinematic space for his images' projection to spectators--Edited summary from back cover.
9780983248057 (hardback)
0983248052 (hardback)
Muybridge, Eadweard, 1830-1904 Influence.
Muybridge, Eadweard, 1830-1904
Cinematographers United States Biography.
Photographers United States Biography.
Motion pictures History.
Photographes États-Unis Biographies.
Directeurs de la photographie États-Unis Biographies.
Cinéma Histoire.
Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.)
Motion pictures
United States
Solar film directives.
Eye in motion
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 280494
Cote: BIB 217248
Statut: Disponible
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