Ghiberti, Lorenzo, 1378-1455.
The Gates of paradise : Lorenzo Ghiberti's Renaissance masterpiece / edited by Gary M. Radke ; with contributions by Andrew Butterfield [and others].
Atlanta, Ga. : High Museum of Art ; New Haven : Yale University Press ; Florence : in association with Opera di S. Maria del Fiore, ©2007.
182 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 32 cm
"This illustrated work displays the full glory and elaborate details of many of the newly restored bronze panels, the remarkable work of the conservators and restorers who cleaned the priceless doors. In a series of chapters, contributors capture Ghiberti's world, his extraordinary talent at representing human emotion in rich illusionistic settings, the relationship between Renaissance patrons and artists, and the collaborations and rivalries among artists. Other chapters explore the challenging craft of bronze sculpture, Ghiberti's casting and finishing techniques, and the painstaking process involved in documenting and restoring the treasured doors. A chronology of Ghiberti's life completes this volume."--Jacket.
9781932543162 (pbk.)
1932543163 (pbk.)
Ghiberti, Lorenzo, 1378-1455. Gates of paradise Exhibitions.
Ghiberti, Lorenzo.
Ghiberti, Lorenzo, 1378-1455.
Bible Illustrations Exhibitions.
Bible Illustrations Expositions.
Gates of paradise (Ghiberti, Lorenzo)
Art metal-work Technique Exhibitions.
Bronze doors Conservation and restoration Italy Florence Exhibitions.
Arts du métal Technique Expositions.
Portes de bronze Conservation et restauration Italie Florence Expositions.
21.59 sculpture: other.
Esposizioni Atlanta 2007.
Art metal-work Technique.
Bibliska motiv i konsten Italien Renässansen.
Italy Florence.
Exhibition catalogues.
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs.
Exhibitions (form)
Catalogues d'exposition.
Radke, Gary M.
Butterfield, Andrew, 1959-
High Museum of Art.
Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York, N.Y.)
Art Institute of Chicago.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 253056
Cote: BIB 182076
Statut: Disponible
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