Garrett, Bradley L.
Explore everything : place-hacking the city / Bradley L. Garrett.
London ; New York : Verso, 2013.
xiv, 273 pages : color illustrations ; 24 cm
"It is assumed that the world has been explored and charted; that there is nowhere new to go. But perhaps it is the everyday places around us - the cities we live in - that need to be rediscovered. What does it feel like to find the city's edge, to explore its forgotten tunnels and scale high above the metropolis upon unfinished skyscrapers? Explore Everything reclaims the city, recasting it as a place for endless adventures. Plotting expeditions from London, Paris, Berlin, Detroit, Chicago, Las Vegas and Los Angeles, Bradley L. Garrett has evaded urban security in order to experience the city in ways beyond the conventional boundaries of everyday life. He calls it 'place hacking': the recoding of closed, secret, hidden and forgotten urban spaces into realms of opportunity. Explore Everything is an account of his escapades with the London Consolidation Crew, an urban exploration collective, as well as an urbanist manifesto on rights to the city that inspires new ways of belonging in and understanding the metropolis. It is a passionate declaration to "explore everything," combining philosophy, politics and adventure"-- Provided by publisher.
"What does it feel like to find the city's edges, to explore its hidden tunnels and scale its skyscrapers? In Explore Everything, Bradley L Garrett tells the story of his adventures with the London Consolidation Crew, an infamous urban exploration collective, as they cross boundaries, uncover ruins and experience the city in new ways that shatter conventions of everyday life. In a series of narratives, including stories of how the LCC found the lost underground stations of London, discovered abandoned bunkers and ruins in Eastern Europe and scaled the tallest buildings in London, Paris, Chicago, Minneapolis, Detroit and Las Vegas, Garrett explores the various motivations for illicit trespass and what it might mean. The book is a passionate manifesto for rights to the city as well as new ways of belonging in and understanding the metropolis"-- Provided by publisher.
9781781681299 (hardback)
1781681295 (hardback)
Garrett, Bradley L. Travel.
Garrett, Bradley L.
Urban geography.
Géographie urbaine.
human geography.
ART Graffiti & Street Art.
TRAVEL Special Interest Adventure.
Urban exploration
travel guidebooks.
Guides touristiques.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 284521
Cote: BIB 223498
Statut: Disponible
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