Bound in Venice : the serene republic and the dawn of the book / Alessandro Marzo Magno ; translated from the Italian by Gregory Conti.
Entrée principale:

Marzo Magno, Alessandro, author.

Titre et auteur:

Bound in Venice : the serene republic and the dawn of the book / Alessandro Marzo Magno ; translated from the Italian by Gregory Conti.


New York, N.Y. : Europa Editions, 2013.


242 pages ; 21 cm

Translation of: L'alba dei libri : quando Venezia ha fatto leggere il mondo.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Venice, book capital of the world -- Aldus Manutius, the Michelangelo of books -- The first Talmud -- The lost Koran -- Armenians and Greeks -- The wind from the East -- Geography and war -- Music publishing -- Cures for the body: medicine, cosmetology, and gastronomy -- Pietro Aretino and birth of the author -- Decline, come back, and swan song.

"Venice in the fifteenth century is the mercantile and cultural capital of the world. There, the first printers, publishing houses and bookstores open for business. Among the innovators who are driving these new cultural enterprises, one remarkable visionary, Aldus Manutius, stands head and shoulders above the rest. He is credited with inventing the figure of the modern publisher. Manutius will publish the first printed editions of the Talmud, the Koran, the works of Erasmus of Rotterdam and classics of the Greek and Latin poetry and theater, bringing about a true revolution and the birth of the world"--Amazon.com, viewed October 4, 2013.


9781609451394 (softcover)
1609451392 (softcover)


Manuzio, Aldo, 1449 or 1450-1515 Fiction.
Printing Italy Venice History 15th century.
Publishers and publishing Italy Venice History 15th century.
Imprimerie Italie Venise Histoire 15e siècle.
Publishers and publishing
Italy Venice



Vedettes secondaires:

Conti, Gregory, 1952- translator.

Serene republic and the dawn of the book


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 284581
Cote: BIB 223642
Statut: Disponible


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