Netzwerk Wohnen : Architektur für Generationen = Network living : architecture for all generations / Annette Becker, Peter Cachola-Schmal, Claudia Haas (Hrsg. eds).
Munich ; London ; New York : Prestel, ©2013.
240 pages : illustrations (some color), plans ; 31 cm
"This timely book proposes innovative and elegant solutions for the housing needs of our aging society. It is estimated that only 5 percent of the western hemisphere's current housing stock is suitable for elderly residents. Fortunately, today's generation of architects is working toward increasing the availability and variety of housing for older people. This volume details dozens of thoughtfully conceived projects from around the world that incorporate the needs of older citizens without sacrificing the personal and aesthetic choices we all make when choosing our home. These examples of single-family houses, communal-living projects, service apartments, and assisted-living residences enable their inhabitants to maintain--and even improve--their quality of life."--Publisher's website.
9783791352565 (trade edition ; hbk.)
3791352563 (trade edition ; hbk.)
9783791364407 (museun edition)
3791364405 (museun edition)
Older people Dwellings.
Architecture, Domestic.
Architecture and Planning.
Old age homes.
Exhibition publications.
Becker, Annette, 1959- editor.
Cachola Schmal, Peter, 1960- editor.
Haas, Claudia, 1985- editor.
Deutsches Architekturmuseum.
Network living : architecture for all generations
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 287539
Cote: BIB 228667
Statut: Disponible
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