Acebillo, Josep.
A new urban metabolism : Barcelona/Lugano case studies / by Josep Acebillo ; with research team, Paolo Caputo [and others] ; [edited by Alessandro Martinelli].
Mendrisio CH : I. CUP, Accademia di architettura, Università della Svizzera Italiana ; Barcelona : AB Publishers ; New York : Distributed by Actar, 2012.
268 pages : illustrations (some color), maps ; 19 cm
The growing urbanization of the planet, visible in the fact that by the middle of this century some 70% percent of the population will live in cities, situates the urban question as a key issue for global sustainability. Many of the causes generating the huge environmental crises, climate change for instance, have their rationale in the metabolic inefficiency of our cities. Greater metabolic efficiency contributes to the energy rationalization of urban system and also contributes to greater urban competitiveness. Urban metabolic analysis demonstrates efficiency that small and medium-sized cities can have in the new neo-tertiary context, and could be used as a test to previously evaluate the functional and ecological consequences of future urban transformations.
9788492861477 (paperback)
8492861479 (paperback)
City planning Spain Barcelona Case studies.
City planning Switzerland Lugano Case studies.
City planning Environmental aspects.
Urban ecology (Sociology) Case studies.
Urbanization Spain Case studies.
Urbanization Switzerland Case studies.
Écologie urbaine Études de cas.
Urbanisation Espagne Études de cas.
Urbanisation Suisse Études de cas.
City planning
Urban ecology (Sociology)
Spain Barcelona
Switzerland Lugano
Case studies.
Études de cas.
Caputo, Paolo, 1950-
Martinelli, Alessandro.
Sassi, Enrico.
Molteni, Elena.
Montlleó Balsebre, Marc.
Sanroma, Itzel.
Vancheri, Alberto.
Giordano, Paolo.
Boskovic Sigon, Stanislava.
Albeverio, Sergio.
Allen, Stan.
Soja, Edward W.
Barcelona/Lugano case studies
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 282267
Cote: BIB 219617
Statut: Disponible
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