Hall, Peter, 1932-2014.
Good cities, better lives : how Europe discovered the lost art of urbanism / Peter Hall ; with contributions from Nicholas Falk.
London, New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis, 2014.
ix, 346 pages : illustrations, maps ; 26 cm.
Planning, history and environment series
This book has one central theme: how, in the United Kingdom, can we create better cities and towns in which to live and work and play? And, in doing so, can we provide lessons for other countries facing similar dilemmas?
9780415840217 (hb)
041584021X (hb)
9780415840224 (pb)
0415840228 (pb)
Urban policy Great Britain.
Urban policy Europe.
Urbanization Great Britain.
Urbanization Europe.
Regional planning Europe.
Regional economics Europe.
City planning Europe.
Politique urbaine Grande-Bretagne.
Politique urbaine Europe.
Urbanisation Grande-Bretagne.
Urbanisation Europe.
Aménagement du territoire Europe.
Économie régionale Europe.
City planning.
Regional economics.
Regional planning.
Urban policy.
Urban politik.
Regional utveckling.
Great Britain.
Falk, Nicholas.
Planning, history, and the environment series.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 284885
Cote: BIB 224117
Statut: Disponible
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