Lovell's Gazetteer of the Dominion of Canada : containing the latest and most authentic descriptions of over 14,850 cities, towns, villages and places in the provinces of Ontario, Québec, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Manitoba, British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and the new districts of the North-West territories, Yukon, Franklin, Mackenzie, Keewatis, and Ungava ; together with Newfoundland : besides general information, drawn from official sources, as to the names, locality, extent, etc., of over 3,000 lakes and rivers, with a table of routes, showing proximity of the railroad stations, and sea, lake and river ports to the cities, towns, villages, etc., in the several provinces / edited, with an introduction, by G. Mercer Adam.
Montréal : J. Lovell & Son, 1908.
973 pages ; 22 cm
Canada Gazetteers.
Newfoundland and Labrador Description and travel.
Adam, G. Mercer (Graeme Mercer), 1830-1912.
Localisation: Bibliothèque study room 140284
Cote: PO1215 F1004 REF CAN; ID:87-B17410
Statut: Disponible
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