Sergison Bates Architects : buildings / [editor: Heinz Wirz ; contributions by Irina Davidovici, Dirk Somers, Martin Steinmann ; translation: Benjamin Liebelt, Philip Shelley, Gregory Ball].
Lucerne : Quart, 2012.
300 pages : chiefly color illustrations plans ; 27 cm
The buildings by Jonathan Sergison and Steven Bates are characterised by soft, but all the more harmonious tones. In them, their passion for the atmospheric qualities of buildings combines with other qualities of construction and sounding out technical conditions and possibilities. The London architects are members of the young generation of a specific architectural scene that has been dedicated to an integrative, coherent, non-formalist architecture since the mid-1990s. This monograph presents eight buildings from recent years using design studies, sketches, models, material comparisons and plans of the design stages and completed buildings, comparing them with image sequences of the actually constructed buildings. The volume is complemented by a detailed list of works with reference images and an extensive appendix.
9783037610619 (English edition ; hd. bd.)
3037610611 (English edition ; hd. bd.)
Sergison Bates architects.
Architecture Great Britain 21st century.
Architecture Grande-Bretagne 21e siècle.
Great Britain.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 283326
Cote: BIB 221393
Statut: Disponible
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