Shim-Sutcliffe fonds, 1988-.
Entrée principale:

Shim-Sutcliffe Architects.

Titre et auteur:

Shim-Sutcliffe fonds, 1988-.


9176 drawings, 160 maquettes, 63 v., other materials.


Access by appointment only.


The Shim-Sutcliffe fonds documents the work of the architectural firm Shim-Sutcliffe. The fonds includes drawings and models related to architectural projects dating from 1988-2009. The fonds also contains prototypes of furniture and furnishings designed for the Lake Muskoka boathouse. The majority of the projects documented in the fonds are in Ontario, but there are also designs for houses in Vero Beach, Florida and in Vale Perkins, Québec.

Note biographique:

Brigitte Shim was born in Jamaica in 1958 and emigrated to Canada in 1965. She received a Bachelor of Environmental Studies in 1981 and a Bachelor of Architecture degree in 1983 from the University of Waterloo. She apprenticed with Arthur Erickson Architects, Vancouver, in 1981 and worked for Baird/Sampson Architects, Toronto, from 1983-1987. Howard Sutcliffe was born in Yorkshire, England in 1958 and emigrated to Canada in 1964. He received a Bachelor of Environmental Studies in 1981 and a Bachelor of Architecture degree in 1983 from the University of Waterloo. He worked with Ronald Thom in 1984-85, Barton Myers from 1985 to 1987 and Kuwabara Payne McKenna Blumberg Architects from 1987 to 1995. Brigitte Shim and Howard Sutcliffe have collaborated since 1983. Their work has included projects in the disciplines of architecture, landscape architecture and furniture design. Their earliest built works-an architectural garden in Don Mills (1988-89), a house on a remote lakefront property in Haliburton, Ontario (1989-1991), and the architects' own residence in Toronto (1991-1994)-were all honoured with awards from the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada. The 2 residential projects also won awards from the Canada Wood Council. In 1994, Brigitte Shim and Howard Sutcliffe established the firm Shim-Sutcliffe architects. In 1996, they designed a combined residence and workspace in Toronto with a construction budget of $100,000. The project won awards from the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, the American and Canadian wood councils and the journal Architectural record. Between 1996 and 2000 the architectural office of Shim-Sutcliffe designed 3 highly acclaimed projects in Ontario: Ledbury Park in Toronto, a boathouse on Lake Muskoka, and the dining hall for Moorelands Camp at Lake Kawagama. Since 2000, the firm has designed residential, institutional and religious architecture, including a library and chapel at Massey College, the Corkin Gallery, the Frum Collection of African Art at the Art Gallery of Ontario, and the Bet Ha'am Synagogue in Portland, Maine. The Integral House in Toronto, a project combining a private residence and performance space, was completed in 2009. Furniture designed by the firm has won awards and represented Canadian design in international exhibitions.

Finding aid

Shim-Sutcliffe Architects.
Architecture Ontario History 20th century Designs and plans.
Architecture Ontario History 21st century Designs and plans.
Architecture History Designs and plans.
Architecture Ontario Histoire 20e siècle Dessins et plans.
Architecture Ontario Histoire 21e siècle Dessins et plans.
Architecture Histoire Dessins et plans.


Fonds (collections)
Architectural drawings

Vedettes secondaires:

Shim-Sutcliffe archive, 1988-


Localisation: Bibliothèque archives collection 282735
Cote: AP110
Statut: Disponible


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