Bess, Philip, 1952-
Till we have built Jerusalem : architecture, urbanism, and the sacred / Philip Bess.
Wilmington, Del. : ISI Books, 2006.
xxv, 309 pages, 10 unnumbered pages of plates : illustrations (some color), plans ; 23 cm.
Religion and contemporary culture series
"Urban history ever since--from England's early-nineteenth-century hygiene laws to mid-twentieth-century modernist architecture and planning to today's New Urbanism--has consisted of efforts to ameliorate the consequences of the industrial city by either embracing or challenging the idealization of nature that has followed it. Architect Philip Bess's Till We Have Built Jerusalem puts forth fresh arguments for traditional architecture and urbanism, their relationship to human flourishing, and the kind of culture required to create and sustain traditional towns and city neighborhoods. Bess not only dissects the questionable intellectual assumptions of contemporary architecture, he also shows how the individualist ethos of modern societies finds physical expression in contemporary suburban sprawl, making traditional urbanism difficult to sustain. He concludes by considering the role of both the natural law tradition and communal religion in providing intellectual and spiritual depth to contemporary attempts to build new--and revive existing--traditional towns and cities, attempts that, at their best, help fulfill our natural human desires for order, beauty, and community."--Publisher's website.
Cities and towns.
Architecture and society.
Spirituality in architecture.
City planning.
Architecture et société.
Spiritualité en architecture.
Religion and contemporary culture series (Wilmington, Del.)
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 253919
Cote: BIB 183734
Statut: Disponible
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