Nagradena hrvatska arhitektura 90-09/Award winning Croatian architecture 90-09. Ana Silovic.
Zagreb : Skolska Knjiga 2013.
439 pages
This publication is primarily a chronicle or panorama of architectural evaluations, explained by the protagonists and chosen by the architectural community to work on 'architectural expertise'. Even the very beginning of this chronology - the year 1990 - was chosen unpretentiously. That year coincides with the founding of the independent Croatia, but not even this was either crucial or the only factor involved in decisions on the time frame. No, the thinking was that a 20-year period is suitable for compiling a panoramic view, with no pretense of finding some turning point in architecture, which would hardly be possible anyway with no historiographic analysis to speak of. Still, over the last 20 years the changes have been substantial, quick, and even dramatic, not only in terms of local socio-political, but also in terms of global transformations.
Architecture Awards Croatia.
Architecture Croatia History 20th century.
Architecture Croatia History 21st century.
Architecture Prix et récompenses Croatie.
Architecture Croatie Histoire 20e siècle.
Architecture Croatie Histoire 21e siècle.
Architecture Awards.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main m 284404
Cote: BIB 223237
Statut: Disponible
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