Baňka, Pavel.
Pavel Baňka, infinity : photographs, 1997-2000.
[New York] : Alan Klotz, 2001.
1 volume (unpaged) : illustrations ; 22 x 28 cm
"In this work Pavel Baňka embraces not only the dusky sobriety of his Eastern European roots, but the poetic, lyrical darkness of all the best of Czech photography: Sudek's venison-rick almost black (but never quite) shadows; and Funke's artistically but ambiguously arranged, dimly illuminated planes. After defining and caressing all this darkness Baňka descamps with it as his blessed baggage to the American pacific northwest whose dour damp coast provides the perfect fertile ground for this artist to plant his poetic vision - to indulge his Czech Schattenfreud, creating an adagio movement of epic grace and proportion."--Back cover.
Baňka, Pavel Catalogs.
Baňka, Pavel
Photography, Artistic Catalogs.
Photographie artistique Catalogues.
Photography, Artistic
Klotz, Alan.
Klotz/Sirmon Gallery.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 232866
Cote: TR140.B218 B3 2001
Statut: Disponible
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