Hatfield, R. G. (Robert Griffith), 1815-1879.
The American house carpenter : a treatise on the art of building. Comprising styles of architecture, strength of materials, and the theory and practice of the construction of floors, framed girders, roof trusses, rolled-iron beams, tubular-iron girders, cast-iron girders, stairs, doors, windows, mouldings, and cornices: together with a compend of mathematics. A manual for the practical use of architects, carpenters, stair-builders, and others.
8th ed., rewritten and enlarged / by R.G. Hatfield ...
New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1880.
1 preliminary leaf, pages [i]-iv, [5]-685 : frontispiece, illustrations, 16 plates
Framing (Building)
carpentry (process)
architecture (discipline)
American architectural books : based on the Henry-Russell Hitchcock bibliography.
Localisation: Bibliothèque study room microform 48582
Cote: ID87B7159s41 MFM; ID:89-B7632
Statut: Disponible
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