Cook, Peter, 1936-
Drawing : the motive force of architecture / Peter Cook.
Chichester, England ; London : Wiley, 2008.
208 pages : color illustrations, plans ; 23 cm.
AD primers
"Focusing on the creative and inventive significance of drawing for architecture, this book is a paean to the graphic by one of its greatest proponents, Sir Peter Cook. Thematically organised by chapter, Cook talks us through drawings as motive, strategy, vision, image, composition, expression, technique, surface, and fantasy. He provides us with amusing perceptive commentary at every turn, drawing our attention to some of the greatest and most intriguing drawings, ranging from Heath-Robinson, Hugh Ferris and Arthur Beresford Pite to Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid, Ron Herron, Coop Himmlb(l)au, Bernard Tschumi and Lebbeus Woods."--Jacket.
0470034807 (hbk.)
9780470034804 (hbk.)
0470034815 (pbk.)
9780470034811 (pbk.)
Architecture Designs and plans.
Architecture, Modern.
Architectural drawing 20th century.
Architectural drawing 21st century.
Dessin d'architecture 20e siècle.
Dessin d'architecture 21e siècle.
Architecture Dessins et plans.
architectural drawings (visual works)
Architectural drawing.
Designs and plans.
Architectural drawings
AD primers.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 258264
Cote: NA44.C771.A35 2008
Statut: Disponible
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