ここに, 建築は, 可能か = Architecture. possible here? "home-for-all" / 伊東豊雄, 乾久美子, 藤本壮介, 平田晃久, 畠山直哉. Koko ni kenchiku wa kanō ka = Architecture. possible here? "home-for-all" / Itō Toyoo, Inui Kumiko, Fujimoto Sōsuke, Hirata Akihisa, Hatakeyama Naoya.
Tōkyō-to Minato-ku : TOTO Shuppan (TOTO Kabushiki Kaisha), 2013.
183 pages : color illustrations ; 21 cm
Authored by Toyo Ito, Kumiko Inui, Sou Fujimoto, Akihisa Hirata, Naoya Hatakeyama, and others, this book gives a comprehensive look at the process of catastrophe and response which followed the Great East Japan Earthquake, as presented in the Japan Pavilion Exhibition at the 13th Biennale of Architecture in Venice. By posing this question, an assertion that architecture can only recover its essential character under such conditions is made, enabling a re-examination of its essential meaning. Through texts, photographs, sketches and models, the book is a both a timeline of events and a reaffirmation of the energy, creativity and dedication of its participants.
9784887063310 (paperback)
4887063318 (paperback)
Architecture, Domestic Japan Designs and plans.
Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami, Japan, 2011.
Arquitectura doméstica Japón Diseños y planos.
Terremoto y tsunami de Japón, 2011.
Tremblement de terre et tsunami du Nord-Est, Japon, 2011.
Architecture, Domestic
Jūtaku kenchiku.
Higashinihon daishinsai.
Japan Tōhoku Region
Architectural drawings
Itō, Toyoo, 1941-
Inui, Kumiko, 1969-
Fujimoto, Sōsuke, 1971-
Hirata, Akihisa, 1971-
Hatakeyama, Naoya, 1958-
Architecture. possible here? "home-for-all"
ここに, 建築は, 可能か = Architecture. possible here? "home-for-all" / 伊東豊雄, 乾久美子, 藤本壮介, 平田晃久, 畠山直哉.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 283080
Cote: BIB 221067
Statut: Disponible
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