Costumes of the Greeks and Romans (formerly titled: Costume of the ancients).
Entrée principale:

Hope, Thomas, 1769-1831.

Titre et auteur:

Costumes of the Greeks and Romans (formerly titled: Costume of the ancients).


New York, Dover Publications [1962]


xlviii pages, 300 plates 22 cm

Originally pub. in 2 vols. under title: Costume of the ancients.
Egyptian dresses -- Egyptian priest and priestesses -- Egyptian priest and priestesses -- Egyptian headdresses -- Egyptian priests and harp -- Egyptian capitals and bases of columns -- Egyptian capitals -- Egyptian temple -- Egyptian priest -- Egyptian female -- Isis with sistrum -- Fronts of sepulchral monuments near persepolis -- Parthian with his bow and javelin -- Persians -- Armenian and Parthian monarchs -- Heads of Parthian, Persian, and Armenian kings -- Dacian and Phrygian helmets, standards, shoes -- Phrygian helmet and vases -- Amazon -- Dacian king -- and Paris -- Phrygian shields, quivers, and bipennes -- Heads of Amazon, Paris, Trojan, Phrygian, and Roma -- Theseus -- Hippolyta -- and Deinmache -- Phrygian attired for religious rites -- Sarmatian -- vesta -- Paris -- Syrian lady -- Dacian warrior on horseback -- Amazon carrying her battle-axe -- Amazon carrying her javelin -- Phrygian lady -- Phrygian armour -- Atys -- Phrygian -- Asiatic monarch -- Dacian king
Dacian king -- Amazon -- Etruscan attire -- Etruscan warriors -- Ettruscan warriors and archer -- Ettruscan attire -- Etruscan warriors -- Etruscan male and female attire -- Etruscan helmets and headdresses -- Etruscan attire and warriors -- Etruscan elder and youth -- Etruscan warriors -- Minerva -- Juno -- and Jupiter, in the old Greek style -- Mars -- Diana -- and Venus, in the old Greeks style -- Mercury -- Hebe -- and allegorical figure -- Minerva -- Hebe -- Indian Bacchus -- and Juno -- Grecian ladies, in the old style, and tympanum -- Procession of priestess and her attendants -- Grecian females -- Grecian priestesses performing libations -- Bacchus -- Priestess -- and priest, in the old Greek attire -- Various busts of the Indian Bacchus -- Priest of Bacchus -- Nymph, in the old style of attire -- Grecian female -- Grecian female -- Diana -- Grecian female -- Grecian female -- Grecian female -- Grecian lady -- Greek warrior -- Greek warrior -- Greek warrior -- Greek herald
Greek warrior -- Greek warrior -- Priestess -- Greek warrior -- Minerva -- Various helmets -- Theban shield and bow-cases -- Grecian female -- Grecian victor in the chariot race -- Greek car or chariot -- Grecian warrior in his travelling dress -- Squire or attendant on a Greek warrior -- Female with lyre and plectrum -- Erato -- Greek warrior -- Greek warrior -- Grecian helmets -- Musical intruments of the Greeks -- Female flute player -- Bacchanalian implements -- Bacchanalian reclined on a couch -- Bacchante with the rod of sesamum -- Bacchante carrying the thyrsus -- Bacchante sounding the crotals -- Priestess of Ceres -- Bacchante carrying the scared fillet -- Bacchante carrying torches -- Female dancer -- Grecian headdress -- Grecian youth crowned at the games -- Muse -- Priestess of Ceres -- Greek warrior -- Greek warrior -- Eneas -- Ceres -- Greek female -- Greek philosopher -- Ceres with the mitra and Grecian headdresses -- Clio -- Greek philosopher
Victorious warrior descended from his car -- Apollo -- Minerva -- Jupiter -- Lyres -- Amazon -- Minerva Pacifera -- Venus Pacifera -- Spartan virgin -- Jupiter -- Grecian females -- Greek poet -- Grecian female going to perform funerla rites -- Electra in mourning for Orestes -- Grecian female -- Diana -- Grecian lady -- Theban shield and quivers -- Bacchanalian group -- Greek youth -- philosopher -- and damsel -- Greek females -- Various Grecian helmets -- Volume II -- Grecian headdresses -- Females dancing -- Females dancing -- Grecian ladies -- Greek shield and other armour -- Greek combatants seperated by a herald -- Lady seated with her umbrella, etc. -- Female utensils and trinkets -- Warrior -- Diana -- Minerva -- Grecian headdresses of the species worn by Ulysses, and Grecian helmets -- Minerva in the diplax -- Danaïd -- Grecian female -- Euterpe -- Greek female -- Cybele -- Ceres -- Diana -- Diomedes -- Ceres -- Neptune -- Grecian and Syrian helmets -- Ceres -- Jupiter
Erato -- Grecian female -- Grecian headdresses -- From a painting at Herculaneum -- Juno Lanuvina -- Different ptoolemies and their queens -- Grecian headdresses -- Bacchus -- Grecian scrolls -- Greek fictile vases -- Greek females -- Bacchanalian personages -- Muse -- Greek terra-cotta jug -- Ceres -- Bacchanalian personages -- Grecian headdresses -- Bacchanalian -- Mercury -- Bacchante -- Greek shields and other armour -- Grecian helmets -- Gecian female -- Grecian female -- Bacchante dancing -- Juno wearing the diplax -- Greek poet -- Diana -- Grecian female -- Grecian female -- Grecian female -- Jupiter Ammon -- Neptune -- Cybele -- Minerva -- Apollo -- and Mercury -- Grecian female -- Grecian female -- Grecian female -- Jupiter -- Juno -- Apollo -- Minerva -- Hercules -- and Bacchus -- Musical instruments -- Grecian female -- Grecian female -- Females dancing and playing on the lyre -- Jupiter -- Juno -- Diana -- Ceres -- Venus -- Secenic masks -- Musical instruments
Grecian females -- Grecian lamps, candelabra, and other utensils -- Torches, tripods, cista, pyxis, etc. -- Grecian peasants -- Grecian biga and candelabra -- Grecian females -- Muses -- females -- Muses -- Diana -- Marble chair of Potamon -- Dancing girls -- Venus -- Muse -- Diana -- Apollo musagetes -- Diana Succincta -- Ceres -- Minerva -- Comedian -- Grecian female -- Canephora -- Grecian female -- Grecian lady -- Tripod, candelabrum, chair, etc. -- Grecian female -- Diana Succinta -- Greek vases -- Itinerant sanctuary -- Grecian heads -- Reception of Bacchus -- Gorgons -- Vases, pateras, lamp -- Chair of state, etc. -- Greek lady -- Apollo musagetes -- Vase with bacchanalian -- Architectural orders -- Faustina -- Roman cisterns -- Flora -- Fortune -- Car of bronze -- Roman in his toga -- Roman youth with the bulla -- Roman orator -- Roman matron -- Roman ladies -- Marcus Aurelius -- Roman empress -- Roman empress in the character of Ceres -- Roman headdesses
Roman emperor assisting at a sacrifice -- Camillus -- Roman emperor assisting at a sacrifice -- Camillus -- Roman emperor in his military tunic -- Roman standard bearer -- Roman general -- Roman cuirass -- Roman soldier -- Roman emperor -- Roman general -- Roman general -- The goddess Roma -- Nemesis -- Roman empress with the attributes of plenty -- Roman empress -- Roman empress -- Victorious auriga -- Biga -- Roman charioteer driving in the circus -- Bull adorned for sacrifice -- Pontifical insignia and instruments of sacrifice -- Sacrificial instruments -- Candelabrum, altar, and tripod -- Lectisternium -- Fasces and curule chair -- Triumphal chair -- Triumphal car -- Milestone -- cage of sacred pullets -- naval column -- Altar and sarcophagi -- Altars and sarcophagus -- Chair and tripod -- Roman study -- Lavacrum or bath -- Roman sarcophagus and altars -- Inferia and Etruscan altars -- Poops and prows of Roman galleys -- Poop, prow, anchor, and rudder, of Roman galley
Sacrificator -- priest -- camillus -- Tribunes -- Senators and knight -- Roman dresses -- Roman empresses -- Flamen -- emperor crowned with laurel -- emperor in the character of Frater arvalis -- Empress Helena -- Emperor Constans -- Gloves worn by pancratiasts and military buskins -- Different buskins and sandals -- Roman buskins and sandals -- Roman cuirasses and jacket worn by the night watches of the capitol -- Dacian, imperial, and Roman cuirasses -- Roman soldiers -- Roman soldiers -- Roman officer -- Roman armour and standards -- Roman standards, shields, and battering ram -- Sarcophagi -- Roman columbaria -- Roman columbaria.



Costume Greece.
Costume Rome.
Costume History To 500
Rome (Empire)


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 86823
Cote: ID:93-B1975
Statut: Disponible


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