Shell structures for architecture : form finding and optimization / edited by Sigrid Adriaenssens, Philippe Block, Diederik Veenendaal, and Chris Williams.
Titre et auteur:

Shell structures for architecture : form finding and optimization / edited by Sigrid Adriaenssens, Philippe Block, Diederik Veenendaal, and Chris Williams.


London ; New York : Routledge/ Taylor & Francis Group, 2014.


xiii, 323 pages : some color illustrations ; 29 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Forewords : On architects and engineers / Jörg Schlaich -- Sharing the same spirit / Shigeru Ban -- Part I. Shells for architecture : Exploring shell forms / John Ochsendorf and Philippe Block -- Shaping forces / Laurent Ney and Sigrid Adriaenssens -- What is a shell? / Chris Williams -- Physical modelling and form finding / Bill Addis -- Computational form finding and optimization / Kai-Uwe Bletzinger and Ekkehard Ramm -- Part II. Form finding : Force density method: design of a timber shell / Klaus Linkwitz -- Thrust network analysis: design of a cut-stone masonry vault / Philippe Block, Lorenz Lachauer and Matthias Rippman -- Dynamic relaxation: design of a strained timber gridshell / Sigrid Adriaenssens, Mike Barnes, Richard Harris and Chris Williams -- Particle-spring systems: design of a cantilevering concrete shell / Shajay Booshan, Diederik Veenendaal and Philippe Block -- Comparison of form-finding methods / Diederik Veenendaal and Philippe Block -- Steering of form / Axel Kilian -- Part III. Structural optimization : Nonlinear force density method: constraints on force and geometry / Klaus Linkwitz and Diederik Veenendaal -- Best-fit thrust network analysis: rationalization of freeform meshes / Tom Van Mele, Daniele Panozzo, Olga Sorkine-Hornung and Philippe Block -- Discrete topology optimization: connectivity for gridshells / James N. Richardson, Sigrid Adriaenssens, Rajan Filomeno Coelho and Philippe Bouillard -- Multi-criteria gridshell optimization: structural lattices on freeform surfaces / Peter Winslow -- Eigenshells: structural patterns on modal forms / Panagiotis Michalatos and Sawako Kaijima -- Homogenization method: distribution of material densities / Irmgard Lochner-Aldinger and Axel Schumacher -- Computational morphogenesis: design of freeform surfaces / Alberto Pugnale, Tomás Méndez Echenagucia and Mario Sassone -- Part IV. Precedents : The Multihalle and the British Museum: a comparison of two gridshells / Chris Williams -- Félix Candela and Heinz Isler: a comparison of two structural artists / Maria E. Moreyra Garlock and David P. Billington -- Structural design of free-curved RC shells: an overview of built works / Mutsuro Sasaki -- Conclusion : The congeniality of architecture and engineering: the future potential and relevance of shell structures in architecture / Patrik Schumacher -- Appendices : The finite element method / Chris Williams -- Differential geometry and shell theory / Chris Williams -- Genetic algorithms for structural design / Rajan Filomeno Coelho, Tomás Méndez Echenagucia, Alberto Pugnale and James N. Richardson -- Subdivision surfaces / Paul Shepard.

"Bringing together experts from research and practice, Shell Structures for Architecture: Form Finding and Optimization presents contemporary design methods for shell and gridshell structures, covering form-finding and structural optimization techniques. It introduces architecture and engineering practitioners and students to structural shells and provides computational techniques to develop complex curved structural surfaces, in the form of mathematics, computer algorithms, and design case studies."--Jacket.

Table of contents

9780415840590 (hardback ; alk. paper)
0415840597 (hardback ; alk. paper)
9780415840606 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
0415840600 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
9781317909378 (ePub ebook)
9781317909385 (PDF ebook)
9781317909361 (Mobipocket ebook)


Shells (Engineering)
Structural optimization.
Coques (Ingénierie)
Optimisation des structures.
shell structures.

Vedettes secondaires:

Adriaenssens, Sigrid, 1973-
Block, Philippe.
Veenendaal, Diederik.
Williams, Chris (Chris J. K.)


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 292604
Cote: BIB 236965
Statut: Disponible


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