Niedermayr, Walter, 1952-
Walter Niedermayr, Kazuyo Sejima + Ryue Nishizawa, Sanaa / [edited by deSingel, International Arts Centre ; supervising editor, Moritz Küng].
Ostfildern, Germany : Hatje Cantz ; New York : D.A.P., Distributed Art Publisher, ©2007.
147 pages : color illustrations ; 31 cm
"This large-format volume is the first to document the long-term collaboration of the Italian photographer Walter Niedermayr with the Tokyo-based architects Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa, who operate under the name SANAA." "Niedermayr is best known around the world for his pale photographs of landscapes and interiors, and SANAA for the understated, ephemeral effects of their buildings." "In each of their disciplines they pursue an artistically abstract approach to investigating architecture and space according to their coexistence, layers, and constructs. Photographs and plans show how the monolithic and the fragmentary, the hermetic and the porous, the amorphous and the solid lead to ever-changing spatial relationships and atmospheres."--Jacket.
9783775718905 (hbk.)
3775718907 (hbk.)
Niedermayr, Walter, 1952- Exhibitions.
Sejima, Kazuyo, 1956- Exhibitions.
Nishizawa, Ryūe, 1966- Exhibitions.
Niedermayr, Walter, 1952-
Nishizawa, Ryūe, 1966-
Sejima, Kazuyo, 1956-
Architectural photography.
Architecture Japan History 21st century Pictorial works.
Photographie d'architecture.
Architecture Japon Histoire 21e siècle Ouvrages illustrés.
illustrated books.
Illustrated works
Exhibition catalogs
Ouvrages illustrés.
Kunstcentrum deSingel (Antwerp, Belgium)
Arc en rêve centre d'architecture.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main m 252596
Cote: BIB 182312
Statut: Disponible
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