The death of drawing : architecture in the age of simulation / David Ross Scheer.
Entrée principale:

Scheer, David R.

Titre et auteur:

The death of drawing : architecture in the age of simulation / David Ross Scheer.


London ; New York : Routledge, 2014.


244 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 229-234) and index.
Simulation and Representation -- Drawing and Architecture -- Building Information Modeling -- Performativity and Design -- Information Flow and Collaboration -- Computational Design -- Simulation and Design Thinking -- Architectures of Simulation.

"The Death of Drawing explains how the shift from drawing by to hand to using building information models (BIM) is happening and the effect of this on how architects think and work. Author David Scheer helps you recognize that architectural drawings exist to represent construction and architectural simulations (BIM) exist to anticipate building performance. The values implicit in drawing - patience, care, attention to detail, knowledge of composition, appreciation of well-made things - which architects used to gain through years of drawing practice, don't apply to simulation, so Scheer discusses how losing this vital learning tool might affect your work and the field of architecture. He also explains that simulation requires you to cast building information in the form of data, which means less of a distinction between designers and constructors, and, based on this, how your interactions with and relevance to clients and collaborators might impact your practice. Finally he reflects on this moment of profound transformation, to remember what drawing has meant to architecture so that you can anticipate what may follow"-- Provided by publisher.


9780415834964 (pbk.)
0415834961 (pbk.)
9780415834957 (hbk.)
0415834953 (hbk.)


Architectural design.
Architectural drawing Psychological aspects.
Building information modeling Psychological aspects.
Design architectural.
Modélisation des données du bâtiment Aspect psychologique.
ARCHITECTURE Design, Drafting, Drawing & Presentation.
ARCHITECTURE Professional Practice.
Architecture and Planning.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 291891
Cote: BIB 235736
Statut: Disponible


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