Consuming architecture : on the occupation, appropriation and interpretation of buildings / edited by Daniel Maudlin and Marcel Vellinga.
Titre et auteur:

Consuming architecture : on the occupation, appropriation and interpretation of buildings / edited by Daniel Maudlin and Marcel Vellinga.


First edition.


London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2014.


xvi, 300 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Part 1. Occupations : The (in)complete architecture of the suburban house / Wouter Bervoets and Hilde Heynen -- House behaviour in the Australian suburb: consumption, migrants and their houses / Mirjana Lozanovksa -- Performing their version of the house: views on an architectural response to autism / Stijn Baumers and Ann Heylighen -- Transformation unwanted! Heritage-making and its effects in Le Corbusier's Pessac estate / Anita Aigner -- A progressive attachment: accommodating growth and change in Álvaro Siza's Malagueira neighbourhood / Nelson Mota -- Part 2. Appropriations : Becoming visible: transforming the spaces of apartheid South Africa / Lisa Findley and Liz Ogbu -- Simla or Shimla: the Indian political re-appropriation of Little England / Siddharth Pandey -- Ideological regeneration: the Cafesjian Centre for the Arts and the new Yerevan / Malcolm Miles -- 'The winter of discount tents': Occupy London and the improvised dwelling as protest / Benjamin Taylor -- On the origins of hip hop: appropriation and territorial control of urban space / Adam Evans -- Part 3. Interpretations : 'Why does it never rain in the Architectural Review?': photography and the everyday life of buildings / David Cowlard -- Scenarios 'For poetry makes nothing happen': art and architectonic urban experimentations / Ronny Hardliz -- Doors don't slam: time-based architectural representation / Eleanor Suess -- SE11: [re]generations / James Swinson -- Between the cloud and the chasm: architectural journals, waste regimes and economies of attention / C. Greig Crysler.

Projecting forward in time from the processes of design and construction that are so often the focus of architectural discourse, Consuming Architecture examines the variety of ways in which buildings are consumed after they have been produced, focusing in particular on processes of occupation, appropriation and interpretation. Drawing on contributions by architects, historians, anthropologists, literary critics, artists, film-makers, photographers and journalists, it shows how the consumption of architecture is a dynamic and creative act that involves the creation and negotiation of meanings and values by different stakeholders and that can be expressed in different voices. In so doing, it challenges ideas of what constitutes architecture, architectural discourse and architectural education, how we understand and think about it, and who can claim ownership of it. Consuming Architecture is aimed at students in architectural education and will also be of interest to students and researchers from disciplines that deal with architecture in terms of consumption and material culture.

Table of contents

9780415824996 (hb ; alk. paper)
0415824990 (hb ; alk. paper)
9780415825009 (pb ; alk. paper)
0415825008 (pb ; alk. paper)
9781317801795 (ePub ebook)
9781317801801 (PDF ebook)
9781317801788 (Mobipocket ebook)


Architecture and society.
Architecture Human factors.
Appropriation (Architecture)
Architecture et société.
Architecture Facteurs humains.
15.36 industrial archaeology.
21.62 history of architecture.



Vedettes secondaires:

Maudlin, Daniel, editor, writer of introduction.
Vellinga, Marcel, editor, writer of introduction.
Bervoets, Wouter. (In)complete architecture of the suburban house.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 286395
Cote: BIB 226691
Statut: Disponible


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