Public space in urban Asia / [edited] by William S.W. Lim.
New Jersey : World Scientific, [2014]
271 pages : illustrations (some color), map ; 24 cm
"The world faces two absolute imperatives. One is to eradicate global poverty and reduce the income gap. The other is to ensure social and environmental sustainability. There is currently an increasing convergence of views among the majority, particularly the younger generation, that to achieve these goals we need to redefine key concepts such as inclusiveness and bottom up participation. Over the last few decades the rise of many cities, especially in emerging economies, has threatened to erode much of public space. It is in this context that William SW Lim, Chairperson of the Asian Urban Lab has edited Public Space in Urban Asia, to discuss the issue of Public Space in selected Asian cities"-- Provided by publisher.
9789814578325 (hardcover ; alk. paper)
9814578320 (hardcover ; alk. paper)
Public spaces Asia.
Cities and towns Asia.
City planning Asia.
Espaces publics Asie.
Villes Asie.
Cities and towns.
City planning.
Public spaces.
Öffentlicher Raum
Stadsplanering Asien.
Stadssociologi Asien.
Offentliga platser Asien.
Städer Asien.
Lim, William Siew Wai, 1932-2023.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 285907
Cote: BIB 225879
Statut: Disponible
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