Batchelor, David, 1955- author.
The luminous and the grey / David Batchelor.
London : Reaktion Books, 2014.
110 pages : color illustrations ; 21 cm
Colour is a given of most people's everyday lives, but at the same time it lies at the limits of language and understanding. 'The Luminous and the Grey' is a study of the places where colour comes into being and where it fades away, an inquiry into when colour begins and when it ends, both in the material world and in the imagination. Batchelor draws on a wide range of material, including neuroscience, philosophy, literature, film and the writings of artists; and makes use of his own experience as an artist who has worked with colour for more than twenty years. After considering the place of colour in some creation myths, in industrial chemistry, in recent thinking on optics and in the specific forms of luminosity that saturate the modern city, the book culminates in a meditation on the unique colour that is also a non-colour, a mood, a feeling, an existential condition and even an insult: grey.--Publisher.
9781780232805 (paperback)
1780232802 (paperback)
Batchelor, David, 1955-
Batchelor, David 1955-
Color in art.
Color Psychological aspects.
Couleur dans l'art.
Couleur Aspect psychologique.
gray (color)
color (perceived attribute)
Popular Science.
Popular Science and Mathematics.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 285829
Cote: BIB 225754
Statut: Disponible
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