McCarter, Robert, 1955- author.
Carlo Scarpa / Robert McCarter.
London : Phaidon Press, 2013.
287 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), plans ; 30 cm
Italian architect Carlo Scarpa (1906-1978) is a unique figure in the Modern movement and even today his work continues to challenge accepted notions of modern architecture. While intensely revered as an architect of immense detail and consideration, no comprehensive monograph has been produced on this scale to date - nothing that approaches the breadth and depth covered by this title. With an illuminating text by Robert McCarter, who has developed a reputation and following for his meticulously researched, experentially-based, and jargon-free accounts of key figures in Modern architecture, this book provides the definitive study of Scarpa's many accomplishments, including such works at the Canova Museum, the Castelvechhio Museum and the Brion Cemetery, among others.
Scarpa, Carlo, 1906-1978.
Scarpa, Carlo,
Scarpa, Carlo 1906-1978
Architecture Italy.
Architecture Italie.
Arkitektur Italien.
Arkitekter Italien.
Scarpa, Carlo, 1906-1978, architect.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 285497
Cote: BIB 225128
Statut: Disponible
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