George Hadfield : Architect of the Federal City / Julia King.
Entrée principale:

King, Julia (Julia Redmond)

Titre et auteur:

George Hadfield : Architect of the Federal City / Julia King.


Farnham Surrey, England ; Burlington, VT : Ashgate, [2014]


xiv, 252 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references (pages 229-242) and index.
1. Family and Early Life -- 2. Education, Training and Early Career -- 3. The US Capitol -- 4. Federal Buildings -- 5. Houses in America -- 6. City Hall -- 7. Life in Washington, Public and Commercial Buildings -- 8. Mausoleum and Monuments -- 9. Legacy -- 10. Conclusion.

During his lifetime, the work of architect George Hadfield (1763-1826) was highly regarded, both in England and the United States. Since his death, however, Hadfield's contributions to architecture have slowly faded from view, and few of his buildings survive. In order to reassess Hadfield's career and work, this book draws upon a wide selection of written and visual sources to reconstruct his life and legacy. After a general introduction, the book begins with an outline of Hadfield's early years and moves on to look in detail at the extant major buildings in Washington, D.C. that he worked on: the Capitol, Arlington House and Old City Hall. Hadfield's contributions to the Capitol and other Federal buildings are fully researched and assessed for the first time and Arlington House is set in context and shown to have been much more influential than has been appreciated hitherto. New material is presented on City Hall, which is another major and unjustly neglected contribution to the architecture of Washington. The complicated interlocking circles of his family and friends, his fellow architects, and his patrons and clients, including the transatlantic connections, are also explored, revealing much about the course of his career and American architecture in general.


9781472412744 (hardcover ; alk. paper)
1472412745 (hardcover ; alk. paper)


Hadfield, George, 1764?-1826.
Hadfield, George, 1764?-1826 Criticism and interpretation.
Hadfield, George (1764?-1826).
Architects United States Biography.
Architecture Washington (D.C.) History.
Architectes États-Unis Biographies.
Architecture Washington (D.C.) Histoire.
Washington (D.C.) Buildings, structures, etc.
United States.
Washington (D.C.)


Criticism, interpretation, etc.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 290696
Cote: BIB 233829
Statut: Disponible


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