Witsell, Charles, author.
Architects of Little Rock, 1833-1950 / Charles Witsell and Gordon Wittenberg ; with Marylyn Jackson Parins.
Fayetteville [Arkansas] : The University of Arkansas Press, [2014]
viii, 138 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 28 cm
Fay Jones School of Architecture, University of Arkansas Press, a collaboration
Provides biographical and historical sketches of the architects working in Little Rock from 1830 to 1950. Thirty-five architects are profiled, including George R. Mann, Thomas Harding, Charles L. Thompson, Max. F. Mayer, Edwin B. Cromwell, George H. Wittenberg, Lawson L. Delony, and others. Readers will learn who these influential professionals were, where they came from, where they were educated, how they lived, what their families were like, how they participated in the life of the city, and what their buildings contributed to the city. Famous buildings, including the Historic Arkansas Museum, the Old State House, the Arkansas State Capitol, St. Andrews Cathedral, Little Rock City Hall, the Pulaski County Court House, Little Rock Central High School, and Robinson Auditorium are showcased, bringing attention to and encouraging appreciation of the city's historic buildings.
1557286620 (pbk.)
9781557286628 (pbk.)
Architects Arkansas Little Rock Biography.
Historic buildings Arkansas Little Rock.
Architecture Arkansas Little Rock Biography.
Buildings Arkansas Little Rock.
Architectes Arkansas Little Rock Biographies.
Constructions Arkansas Little Rock.
Historic buildings
Little Rock (Ark.) Buildings, structures, etc.
Arkansas Little Rock
Collective biographies.
Wittenberg, Gordon, author.
Parins, Marylyn Jackson, editor.
Fay Jones School of Architecture.
University of Arkansas Press.
Fay Jones School of Architecture, University of Arkansas Press, a collaboration.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 287926
Cote: BIB 229370
Statut: Disponible
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