Scarcity in excess : the built environment and the economic crisis in Iceland / [editorial director, Arna Mathiesen ; co-editors, Giambattista Zaccariotto, Thomas Forget].
New York : Actar Publishers, 2014.
248 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), color maps ; 24 cm
"On the relationship between the global economy and local built environments, and the development of strategies that aspire to long-term ecological and economic objectives. After a period of extraordinary economic growth at the turn of the twenty-first century, the economy of Iceland collapsed into the deepest and most rapid peacetime fiscal crisis ever recorded. Seeing the development of the capital area through the lens of scarcity, triggered new urban and regional questions and ecological approaches to design. This book considers both the crash and its aftermath as an opportunity to distil an intense snapshot of how ecological and human systems are interrelated, and how different ways of wiring those systems might lead to better and more resilient solutions. This publication derives from a case study on the built environment in the Reykjavik capital area in the light of the financial meltdown in October 2008. It is the work of the participants in the case study and a number of invited contributors from different fields; researchers, artists and activists that offer different perspectives on the case. The case study is a part of a larger European project, Scarcity and Creativity in the built Environment (SCIBE), funded by HERA (Humanities in the European Research Area). The work presented suggests a new spirit of development applicable to various cultures and climates beyond Iceland."--Page 4 of cover.
9781940291321 (paperback)
1940291321 (paperback)
City planning Economic aspects Iceland Reykjavík Region.
Financial crises Iceland.
City planning Economic aspects Iceland.
City planning Economic aspects.
Financial crises.
Iceland Reykjavík Region.
Mathiesen, Arna, editor.
Forget, Thomas, editor.
Zaccariotto, Giambattista, editor.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 288756
Cote: BIB 230652
Statut: Disponible
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