Capa in color / Cynthia Young.
Entrée principale:

Young, Cynthia, 1969- author.

Titre et auteur:

Capa in color / Cynthia Young.


Munich : Delmonico Books, Prestel ; New York : International Center of Photography, [2014]


207 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 32 cm

Published in conjunction with the exhibition Capa in Color at the International Center of Photography, January 31-May 4, 2014.
Includes bibliographical references.
Capa's world in color / Cynthia Young -- Photo portfolios. World War II : Seven airplanes, two torpedo boats, twelve passengers / Robert Capa -- One bomber missing / Robert Capa -- USSR : How the journey into Russia came about / Robert Capa -- Journey into Russia / John Steinbeck -- Hungary : Conversation in Budapest / Robert Capa -- Israel : A tale of two cities / Irwin Shaw -- The Alps : Holiday camera -- The winter Alps / Robert Capa -- The jet set : Deauville and Biarritz / Robert Capa -- Paris -- Rome -- Norway : No-nights in Norway / Robert Capa -- Generation X : 23 kids and us -- Young people in a changing civilisation / Bertrand Russell -- On the set -- Indochina -- Publication history of Robert Capa's color photographs.

"Although he is recognized almost exclusively as a master of black-and-white photography, Capa began working regularly with color film in 1941 and used it until his death in 1954. Some of this work was published in the great picture magazines of the day, but the majority of these images have never been printed or seen in any form. While he did use color for some early World War II stories, Capa's use of color film exploded in his postwar stories. These photographs brought the lives of ordinary and exotic people from around the world to American and European readers alike, and were markedly different from the war reportage that had dominated Capa's early career. In the late 1940s, Capa traveled to the USSR, Budapest, and Israel to cover postwar life. Capa's technical ability coupled with his engagement with human emotion in his prewar black-and-white stories enabled him to move easily between black and white and color film. Capa's photographs also provided readers a glimpse into more glamorous lifestyles that depended on the allure and seduction of color photography. In 1950, he covered fashionable ski resorts in the Swiss, Austrian, and French Alps, and the stylish French resorts of Biarritz and Deauville for the burgeoning travel market capitalized on by Holiday magazine. He even tried fashion photography by the banks of the Seine and on the Place Vendome. Through his friendships with many actors, Capa photographed Ingrid Bergman, Humphrey Bogart, Orson Welles, and John Huston, among others, in intimate moments on European film sets. Capa in Color will explore how he started to see anew with color film and how his work adapted to a new postwar sensibility. The new medium required him to readjust to color compositions, but also to a postwar audience, interested in being entertained and transported to new places"--Provided by publisher.


9783791353500 (hardbound)
3791353500 (hardbound)


Capa, Robert, 1913-1954 Exhibitions.
Capa, Robert, 1913-1954.
Capa, Robert 1913-1954
Color photography Exhibitions.
Photojournalism Exhibitions.
Travel photography Exhibitions.
Fashion photography Exhibitions.
Glamour photography Exhibitions.
Photographie en couleurs Expositions.
Photographie de presse Expositions.
Photographie de voyage Expositions.
Photographie de mode Expositions.
Photographie de charme Expositions.
PHOTOGRAPHY / Individual Photographers / Monographs.
Color photography
Fashion photography
Glamour photography
Travel photography
Russia Pictorial works.
Israel Pictorial works.
Paris (France) Pictorial works.
Norway Pictorial works.
Indochina Pictorial works.
Hungary Pictorial works.
Indochine Ouvrages illustrés.
France Paris


Exhibition publications.
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs.
Illustrated works.
Catalogues d'exposition.

Vedettes secondaires:

Capa, Robert, 1913-1954, photographer, author.
International Center of Photography, host institution, publisher.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 286816
Cote: BIB 227329
Statut: Disponible


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