Nairn, Ian, author.
Nairn's towns / Ian Nairn ; edited, updated and introduced by Owen Hatherley.
London : Notting Hill Editions, 2013
xxiii, 241 pages : illustrations ; 19 cm
"A new edition of Britain's Changing Towns (1967) introduced and updated by Owen Hatherley. In the sixteen essays in this collection Nairn writes with passionate specificity about "Patrician Manchester," "Friendly Plymouth," "Proud Derry" and "The Burghs of Fife" and demonstrates his competence in writing about cities and towns "as wholes rather than as collections of individual buildings." Described by Owen Hatherley in his introduction as "arguably the finest, and one of the best known English architectural writers of the 20th century," Ian Nairn has become a cult figure, with his books Nairn's London and Nairn's Towns reissued after decades out of print"--Amazon WWW site.
Architecture Great Britain.
Architecture Grande-Bretagne.
Great Britain.
Hatherley, Owen, editor.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 298656
Cote: BIB 244788
Statut: Disponible
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