Ministry of highways : a guide to the performative architecture of Tbilisi / edited by Joanna Warsza.
Warsaw : Other space foundation ; Utrecht : Casco ; Berlin : Sternberg Press, c2013.
216 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 21 cm
Once described as 'Italy gone Marxist,' Georgia, located on the Black Sea, enjoys a sun-soaked Mediterranean climate in combination with a community-oriented and self-determined spirit. Its recent architectural history both informal and vernacular but also sanguinely futurist reveals the uncanny progressive potential of a place where the past is neither monumentalized nor destroyed, but built upon. This palimpsestic legacy embodied in the stunning Ministry of Highways (1975) government complex in Tbilisi is explored in this whimsical guidebook to the hilly Georgian capital. With contributions from Ruben Arevshatyan, Didier Faustino, Yona Friedman, Lali Pertenava, Marjetica Potrc, Richard Reynolds, Slavs and Tatars, Jan Verwoert and others.
9783943365726 (paperback)
3943365727 (paperback)
Architecture and society Georgia (Republic) Tʻbilisi.
Art and architecture Georgia (Republic) Tʻbilisi.
Communism and architecture Georgia (Republic) Tʻbilisi.
Architecture and society
Art and architecture
Communism and architecture
Georgia (Republic) Tʻbilisi
Warsza, Joanna, editor.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 285965
Cote: BIB 225994
Statut: Disponible
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