Planning Atlanta / Harley F. Etienne, Barbara Faga, eds.
Titre et auteur:

Planning Atlanta / Harley F. Etienne, Barbara Faga, eds.


Chicago : American Planning Assoc., Planners Press, [2014]


x, 356 pages : color illustrations, color maps ; 22 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Pt. 1 Terminus to the International City -- 1.Learning from Atlanta / Douglas Allen -- 2.Changing Demographics and Unprecedented Growth / John Heath -- 3.The Historic District Development Corporation and the Challenge of Urban Revitalization / Mtamanika Youngblood -- 4.Practitioner Perspective -- Creating Urban Reinvention: Downtown Atlanta / Paul B. Kelman -- 5.Crazy Like The Fox: Atlanta's Preservation Schizophrenia / Leslie N. Sharp -- 6.Practitioner Perspective -- Public-Private Partnerships: Atlanta Style / Joseph G. Martin Jr. -- 7.Building Public Transit in Atlanta: From Streetcars to MARTA / Harry L. West -- pt. 2 Diversity and Development -- 8.The Genesis of Citizen Participation in Atlanta / Leon S. Eplan -- 9.Freedom Park: A Modern Day Battle / Barbara Faga -- 10.Race and Class in Atlanta-Style Development: Promoting Inclusion and Justice / Michael Dobbins -- 11.Public Housing Demolition and Neighborhood Revitalization / Thomas D. Boston -- 12.The Evolution of the Business Leaders Who Built Modern Atlanta / Maria Saporta -- 13.Neighborhood Quality of Life and Health in Atlanta / Subhro Guhathakurta -- pt. 3 Travel, Traffic, and Transit Define a Region -- 14.Regional Growth, Transportation, and Congestion: The Atlanta Problem / Catherine Ross -- 15.From Transit as a Social Service to Transit as Congestion Relief: The Failure of Transit Planning in Atlanta / Laurel Paget-Seekins -- 16.Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport: A City of Its Own / Benjamin R. DeCosta -- 17.Modern Streetcars Return to Atlanta / Jennifer Ball -- 18.Atlanta's BeltLine: The Emerald Necklace Shaping the City's Future / Alexander Garvin -- pt. 4 Boom and Bust -- 19.The Legacy of the Centennial Olympic Games / Randal Roark -- 20.Rethinking Atlanta's Regional Resilience in an Age of Uncertainty: Still the Economic Engine of the South? / Jennifer Clark -- 21.Practitioner Perspective -- Economic Development: From Porsche to Tyler Perry / Elisabeth Kulinski -- 22.After the Crash: Foreclosures, Neighborhood Stability, and Change / Michael Carnathan -- 23.Building Atlanta's Land Bank / Frank S. Alexander -- pt. 5 Innovation and Challenges Shape the Future -- 24.Maelstrom: Contextualizing the Failed Privatization of Atlanta's Water Supply System / Eric M. Hardy -- 25.Practitioner Perspective -- Atlantic Station: Location, Location, Location / Brian Leary -- 26.Planning for the Forest and the Trees: The City in a Forest / Jason Vargo -- 27.Practitioner Perspective -- The Buckhead Community Improvement District / Jim Durrett -- 28.Atlanta's Role in the State of Georgia / David Pendered.

9781611901269 (pbk.)
161190126X (pbk.)


City planning Georgia Atlanta History.
City planning Social aspects Georgia Atlanta History.
City planning.
City planning Social aspects.
Georgia Atlanta.



Vedettes secondaires:

Etienne, Harley F., 1974- editor.
Faga, Barbara, editor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 291432
Cote: BIB 235064
Statut: Disponible


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