Sensing spaces : architecture reimagined / [exhibition curators, Kate Goodwin assisted by Sarah Lea ; project editors, Vicky Wilson and Tom Neville].
London : Royal Academy of Arts, [2014]
192 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), plans ; 27 cm
Unlike almost any other art form, architecture is part of our everyday life, but its ability to dramatically affect the way we think, feel and interact with one another is often overlooked. This volume brings the focus back to the sensual aspects of architecture - the subtle and intangible way it impacts on human experience - through the work of six leading architects from around the world, all of whom have created a unique immersive installation for the Royal Academy. Conversations with each of these architects - including Kengo Kuma, Xiaodong and Pezo von Ellrichshausen - show the multiplicity of ways in which different approaches to the built environment can affect the way in which we connect with our surroundings, while an introduction by Philip Ursprung explores the background to this humanistic approach to design. The book is fully illustrated with preparatory sketches and key buildings by each of the architects. Exhibition: Royal Academy of Arts, London, UK (25.01.-06.04.2014).
9781907533716 (hardback)
1907533710 (hardback)
Senses and sensation in architecture.
Architecture 21st century Exhibitions.
Sens et sensations en architecture.
Architecture 21e siècle Expositions.
21.62 history of architecture.
Architecture Exhibitions. 21st century.
Architecture and Planning.
Arkitektur historia.
Exhibition catalogs.
exhibition catalogs.
Catalogues d'exposition.
Goodwin, Kate, curator.
Lea, Sarah, curator.
Wilson, Vicky, editor.
Neville, Tom, editor.
Royal Academy of Arts (Great Britain), host institution.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 286207
Cote: BIB 226414
Statut: Disponible
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