The acoustic city / Matthew Gandy, BJ Nilsen (eds.).
Titre et auteur:

The acoustic city / Matthew Gandy, BJ Nilsen (eds.).


Berlin : Jovis, [2014]


221 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 24 cm + 1 audio-CD

Audio CD in pocket on p. [2] of cover.
Includes a compact disc of artists' sound works.
"CD includes contributions from Félix Blume, Ekkehard Ehlers, Yui Onodera, Schneider TM and many other artists"--Page [4] of cover.
Includes bibliographical references.
Acoustic terrains : an introduction / Matthew Gandy -- Urban soundscapes. Rustications : animals in the urban mix / Steven Connor ; Soft coercion, the city, and the recorded female voice / Nina Power ; A beautiful noise emerging from the apparatus of an obstacle : trains and the sounds of the Japanese city / David Novak ; Strange accumulations : soundscapes of late modernity in J.G. Ballard's "The sound sweep" / Matthew Gandy -- Acoustic flânerie. Silent city : listening to birds in urban nature / Joeri Bruyninckx ; Sonic ecology : the undetectable sounds of the city / Kate E. Jones ; Recording the city : Berlin, London, Naples / BJ Nilsen ; Eavesdropping / Anders Albrechtslund -- Sound cultures. Of longitude, latitude, and zenith : Los Angeles, Van Halen, and the aesthetics of "backyardism" / John Scanlan ; Helsinki seen through the lenses of the Kaurismäki brothers / Tony Mitchell ; "The echo of the Wall fades" : reflections on the "Berlin School" in the early 1970s / Tim Caspar Boehme ; Margins music : lost futures in London's edgelands / Andrew Harris ; The sound of Detroit : notes, tones, and rhythms from underground / Louis Moreno ; Dancing outside the city : factions of bodies in Goa / Arun Saldanha ; Encountering rokesheni masculinities : music and lyrics in informal urban public transport vehicles in Zimbabwe / Rekopantswe Mate ; Music as bricolage in post-socialist Dar es Salaam / Maria Suriano ; Singing the praises of power / Bob W. White -- Acoustic ecologies. Cinemas' sonic residues / Stephen Barber ; Acoustic ecology : Hans Scharoun and modernist experimentation in West Berlin / Sandra Jasper ; Stereo city : mobile listening in the 1980s / Heike Weber ; Acoustic mapping : notes from the interface / Gascia Ouzounian ; The space between : a cartographic experiment / Merijn Royaards -- The politics of noise. Machines over the garden : flight paths and the suburban pastoral / Michael Flitner ; Bad vibrations : infrasound, sonic hauntings, and imperceptible politics / Kelly Ladd ; Noise, language, and public protest : the cacerolazos in Buenos Aires / Leandro Minuchin ; Acoustic gentrification : the silence of Warsaw's sonic warfare / Joanna Kusiak ; I wail, therefore I am / Tripta Chandola.

Accompanying sound disc contains sounds from the natural and built world, most (but not all) with musical accompaniment added. Detailed track listing on P. [223-234].


9783868592719 (paperback)
3868592717 (paperback)


King Sounds
City noise.
Acoustic phenomena in nature.
Music Social aspects.
Urban ecology (Sociology)
Urban ecology (Biology)
Villes Bruit.
Acoustique atmosphérique.
Musique Aspect social.
Écologie urbaine.
city noise.
urban environments.
Suoni Percezione Zone urbane
Acustica Spazi pubblici


Optical disks.
Compact discs.
Sound recordings.

Vedettes secondaires:

Gandy, Matthew, editor.
Nilsen, BJ, editor.
Gandy, Matthew editor.
Nilsen, BJ editor.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 287032
Cote: BIB 227712
Statut: Disponible


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