Bernard Tschumi : architecture : concept & notation / sous la direction de = edited by Frédéric Migayrou.
Entrée principale:

Tschumi, Bernard, 1944- architect.

Titre et auteur:

Bernard Tschumi : architecture : concept & notation / sous la direction de = edited by Frédéric Migayrou.


Paris : Editions Du Centre Pompidou, 2014.


256 pages : color illustrations, plans ; 29 cm

Published on the occasion of the exhibition presented at the Centre Pompidou, Paris, Galeri Sud, from 30 April to 28 July 2014.
Includes bibliographical references.
Foreword / Alain Seban -- Preface / Bernard Bliestène -- I. Essays : Vectors of a pro-grammed event / Frédéric Migayrou -- The suspended city / Aurélien Lemonier -- Architecture and concepts / Bernard Tschumi -- Concept and notation / Bernard Tschumi interviewed by Frédéric Migayrou -- II. Projects : Manifestos: space and event -- Program, juxtaposition, superimposition -- Vectors and envelopes -- Concept. context, content -- Concept forms -- III. Reference tables -- IV. Chronology of projects -- Bernard Tschumi Architects, New York ; Bernard Tschumi urbanistes Architectes, Paris -- Comprehensive bibliography / Frédéric Migayrou & Eliza Culea.
Text in French and English.

"The exhibition--based on Bernard Tschumi's work as an architect, educator, and writer--explores the making of architecture as a series of arguments, ideas, influences, and responses to the contemporary definition of architecture today. Tschumi's major architectural projects are organized around two primary ideas and five themes. These primary ideas are concept and notation: there is no architecture without an idea or concept, just as there is no architecture without a method of notation to express its content. Architecture is not a study of form, but rather a form of knowledge. The five thematic zones in the exhibition each propose a fundamental area in the definition of architecture. The themes are: Space and Event; Program and Superposition; Vectors and Envelopes; Context and Content; and Concept-Form. Tschumi illustrates these themes through a series of well-known and lesser-known projects, from the historic Parc de Ia Villette in Paris to later projects such as the Acropolis Museum in Athens, as well as the new architecture for the redesign for the Paris Zoological Park. Alongside the projects are a series of tables that extend and amplify the main narrative of the exhibition through topics related to architectural thought and production"--Provided by publisher.


9782844266491 (hardback)
2844266495 (hardback)
(pour l'édition spéciale Vacheron Constantin)


Tschumi, Bernard, 1944- Exhibitions.
Tschumi, Bernard, 1944-
Architecture Switzerland History 20th century Exhibitions.
Architecture Suisse Histoire 20e siècle Expositions.
Architecture and Planning.


Exhibition catalogues.
Exhibition Publications.
exhibition catalogs.
Exhibition catalogs
Catalogues d'exposition.

Vedettes secondaires:

Migayrou, Frédéric, editor.
Centre Georges Pompidou, host institution.

Architecture : concept & notation


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 286658
Cote: BIB 227086
Statut: Prêt externe


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