Future history / Eiko Grimberg ; [concept, Till Gathmann, Eiko Grimberg ; translation, Michael Hein].
Entrée principale:

Grimberg, Eiko, 1971-

Titre et auteur:

Future history / Eiko Grimberg ; [concept, Till Gathmann, Eiko Grimberg ; translation, Michael Hein].


1st ed.


[Baden, Switzerland] : Kodoji Press, ©2013.


[120] pages : chiefly illustrations (some color) ; 27 cm

"The English passages in this book are quoted from the article 'Architecture, ' published in the sixth issue of the American review Oppositions. A Journal for Ideas and Criticism in Architecture in the fall of 1976 ... It is a translation of the first of four papers published between 1926 and 1927 by Gruppo 7, an association of graduates of the Milanese Politecnico, in the review La rassegna italiana. The texts are considered a manifesto of Razionalismo. Oppositions was the first to publish an English version in a translation by Ellen R. Shapiro"--Colophon.
Text chiefly in English; some captions and descriptions in Italian.

"Future History" is the title of Eiko Grimberg's show in 2010. It refers to the process of exploiting time and history and to the indecisiveness when describing the past or the future. The artist takes a look at Italian Fascism and its relation to avant-garde and focuses on Modern Rationalist architecture of the 1930s. He demonstrates that the foundation of new cities and prestigious solitaires played a major role in fascism, for example the city of Sabaudia in the Southeast of Rome (built 1933/34), or the Roman district E.U.R. that was built for the "Esposizione Universale di Roma" although the world exhibition in the end didn't take place. The artist took photographs on site. With his black-and-white two-piece slide projection he presents a panorama of prosaicness; a photographic meditation about avant-garde architecture and street life. Both parts of the projection show how history is inscribed in the present. Today, architecture is a tourist attraction; fascist ideology is, at best, communicated in a historically neutral language.




Grimberg, Eiko 1971-
Architectural photography.
Rationalism (Architecture) Italy Pictorial works.
Photographie d'architecture.
Rationalisme (Architecture) Italie Ouvrages illustrés.
Rationalism (Architecture)
Livres d'artistes 21e siècle.


artists' books (books)
Artists' books
Pictorial works
Livres d'artistes.

Vedettes secondaires:

Gathmann, Till.
Switzerland Baden.

Eiko Grimberg : future history


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 307094
Cote: BIB 252605
Statut: Disponible


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