Urban revolution now : Henri Lefebvre in social research and architecture / edited by Łukasz Stanek, Christian Schmid and Ákos Moravánszky.
Entrée principale:

Stanek, Łukasz.

Titre et auteur:

Urban revolution now : Henri Lefebvre in social research and architecture / edited by Łukasz Stanek, Christian Schmid and Ákos Moravánszky.


Burlington : Ashgate Pub., [2014]


xv, 345 pages : illustrations, maps ; 25 cm

Includes bibliographical references and index.
Introduction: theory, not method : thinking with Lefebvre / Christian Schmid, Lukasz Stanek and Ákos Moravánszky -- On complete urbanization -- The trouble with Henri : from theory to research / Christian Schmid -- During the urban revolution : "conjunctures" on the streets of Dhaka / Elisa Bertuzzo -- When Lefebvre meets the East nowadays : urban redevelopment in Hong Kong / Wing-Shing Tang -- Henri Lefebvre and "colonization" : from reinterpretation to research / Stefan Kipfer and Kanishka Goonewardena -- Contradictions of abstract space -- Plan Puebla Panamá : the violence of abstract space / Japhy Wilson -- "Greater Paris" : urbanization but no urbanity : how lefebvre predicted our metropolitan future / Jean-Pierre Garnier -- The production of urban competitiveness : the modelling of Barcelona / Greig Charnock and Ramon Ribera-Fumaz -- Reconstructing New Orleans and the right to the city / Christine Boyer -- Everyday architectures -- Ground exploration : producing everyday life at the South Bank, 1948-1951 -- Nicholas Beech -- The space of the square : a Lefebvrean archaeology of Budapest / Ákos Moravánszky -- Architecture as assemblage of power(s) : an inquiry into the spatial textures of post-socialist Sarajevo / Mejrema Zatri -- "In and through" São Paulo : Lefebvre's regressive progressive method / Fraya Frehse -- Urban society and its projects -- Architectural project and the agency of representation : the case of Nowa huta, Poland / Lukasz Stanek -- The debate about Airport Tempelhof or : a Lefebvrean critique of recent debates about affect in geography / Ulrich Best -- Novi Beograd : reinventing utopia / Ljiljana Blagojevic -- Lefebvrean vaguenesses : going beyond diversion in the production of new spaces / Jan Lilliendahl Larsen -- Index.

This volume is the first to develop Lefebvre's concepts in social research and architecture by focusing on urban conjunctures in Bangladesh, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Hungary, Mexico, Poland, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States. With contributions by historians and theorists of architecture and urbanism, geographers, sociologists, political and cultural scientists, this book reveals the multiplicity of processes of urbanization and the variety of their patterns and actors around the globe.


9781409442936 (hardback ; alk. paper)
1409442934 (hardback ; alk. paper)
9781409442929 (pbk. ; alk. paper)
1409442926 (pbk. ; alk. paper)


Lefebvre, Henri, 1901-1991.
Sociology, Urban.
Space and time.
Sociologie urbaine.
urban sociology.
Tid och rum.

Vedettes secondaires:

Schmid, Christian.
Moravánszky, Ákos.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 290700
Cote: BIB 233833
Statut: Disponible


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