Attia, Sandy.
Three of a kind : MoDus Architects / Sandy Attia [and others].
Amsterdam : Architectural Observer, ©2014.
144 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), plans ; 24 cm
"This book documents three projects in and near Bressanone (Italy), designed by MoDus Architects. The extension of the Damian Holz&Ko office building, the Kostner house-cum-studio and the renovation and revitalisation of the Landmann Farm are viewed through the eyes of the fashion photographer Marco Pietracupa, architecture critic Hans Ibelings and their architects, Sandy Attia and Matteo Scagnol"--Back cover.
9081920790 (paperback)
9789081920797 (paperback)
MoDus Architects (Firm)
Architecture Italy Bressanone History Pictorial works.
Architectural firms Italy Bressanone History 21st century.
Architectural photography.
Architecture Italie Bressanone Histoire Ouvrages illustrés.
Agences d'architecture Italie Bressanone Histoire 21e siècle.
Photographie d'architecture.
Architectural firms
Italy Bressanone
Pictorial works
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 287109
Cote: BIB 227916
Statut: Disponible
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