Kanekar, Aarati.
Architecture's pretexts : spaces of translation / Aarati Kanekar.
London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015.
xvi, 172 pages : illustrations, maps ; 24 cm
"This book considers ideas from one medium that might have been appropriated and transformed by others; highlighting their uniqueness and limitations. More specifically, this book addresses the manner in which this translation occurs across different forms of creation, construction, and expression. The intention is to address broader questions of representation and construction of meaning across media that eventually impact processes of design formulation. By integrating knowledge and modes of thinking from multiple means of expression, they are able to advance their understanding in ways that would be impossible through a unitary line of inquiry"-- Provided by publisher.
9780415898911 (hbk.)
0415898919 (hbk.)
9780415898928 (pbk.)
0415898927 (pbk.)
Architectural design.
Idea (Philosophy) in art.
Influence (Literary, artistic, etc.)
Design architectural.
Idée (Philosophie) dans l'art.
Influence littéraire, artistique, etc.
21.62 history of architecture.
ARCHITECTURE Methods & Materials.
ART Criticism & Theory.
MUSIC History & Criticism.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 288782
Cote: BIB 230683
Statut: Disponible
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