Virilio for architects / John Armitage.
Entrée principale:

Armitage, John, 1956-

Titre et auteur:

Virilio for architects / John Armitage.


London ; New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015.


xiii, 129 pages ; 22 cm


Thinkers for architects

Includes bibliographical references (pages 117-123) and index.
1.Introduction -- Virilio's architectural career -- 2.Analysing the oblique -- Post-Second World War French architecture, the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, and Architecture Principe -- `Manhattan Out' -- `The Oblique Function' -- The oblique church of Sainte-Bernadette du Banlay, Nevers -- Analysing the oblique: bunker archeology -- 3.Critical space -- On the origins of Virilio's conception of critical space -- `The Overexposed City' -- The interface of virtual space -- The contamination of real space by virtual space -- The struggle to redefine the unity of time and place in the overexposed city -- Recombining the real space/virtual space divide -- The sudden confusion between reception and perception, or the transformation of matter into light -- Virilio: architectural theory and practice -- 4.The big night: into the ultracity -- `The Big Night' -- `The Unknown Quantity': farewell to the Milky Way -- From urban stasis to urban escape -- Into `The Ultracity': anti-ecological and escapist strategies in the city of extremes -- Motorized and accelerated temporalities: the mutation of technical progress -- Very high buildings or exurbanism at altitude -- 5.Bernard Tschumi, grey ecology, and the cities of the beyond -- Tschumism -- `Grey Ecology' -- Critical and hypercritical space -- Global hypermovement -- Hyperworld space or the revolution of the hyperevent -- `In the Cities of the Beyond' -- Thinking differently: grey ecology and the question concerning the contemporary world-city.

"Paul Virilio is an innovative figure in the study of architecture, space, and the city. Virilio for Architects primes readers for their first encounter with his crucial texts on some of the vital theoretical debates of the twenty-first century, including: - Oblique Architecture and Bunker Archeology - Critical Space and the Overexposed City - The Ultracity and Very High Buildings - Grey Ecology and Global Hypermovement In exploring Virilio's most important architectural ideas and their impact, John Armitage traces his engagement with other key architectural and scientific thinkers such as Claude Parent, Benoit B. Mandelbrot, and Bernard Tschumi. Virilio for Architects allows students, researchers, and non-academic readers to connect with Virilio's distinctive architectural theories, critical studies, and fresh ideas"-- Provided by publisher.

Table of contents

9780415819022 (hardback)
0415819024 (hardback)
9780415819039 (pb)
0415819032 (pb)


Virilio, Paul.
Architecture Philosophy.
ARCHITECTURE Study & Teaching.
ARCHITECTURE Buildings General.

Vedettes secondaires:

Thinkers for architects.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 290120
Cote: BIB 232910
Statut: Disponible


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