Lin, Xiande, author.
迷霧原鄉 : 百越民居文化探索 / 林憲德著 ; 劉宛妮譯 ; 陳琳油畫 = Mystery homeland : an exploration into southern vernacular dwelling culture / Hsien-te Lin ; translator, Debbie W Liu ; painter, Lin Chen. Mi wu yuan xiang : Bai Yue min ju wen hua tan suo / Lin Xiande zhu ; Liu Wanni yi ; Chen Lin you hua = Mystery homeland : an exploration into southern vernacular dwelling culture / Hsien-te Lin ; translator, Debbie W Liu ; painter, Lin Chen.
[Taibei] : Xin zi ran zhu yi gu fen you xian gong si, 2012.
250 pages : illustrations (chiefly color) ; 26 cm
Minorities East Asia.
Vernacular architecture East Asia.
Manners and customs.
Vernacular architecture.
East Asia Social life and customs.
East Asia.
Liu, Wanni, translator.
Chen, Lin, illustrator.
Bai Yue min ju wen hua tan suo
Mystery homeland : an exploration into southern vernacular dwelling culture
迷霧原鄉 : 百越民居文化探索 / 林憲德著 ; 劉宛妮譯 ; 陳琳油畫 = Mystery homeland : an exploration into southern vernacular dwelling culture / Hsien-te Lin ; translator, Debbie W Liu ; painter, Lin Chen.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 284689
Cote: BIB 223791
Statut: Disponible
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