Passive house design : planning and design of energy-efficient buildings / Roberto Gonzalo, Rainer Vallentin.
Entrée principale:

Gonzalo, Roberto, author.

Titre et auteur:

Passive house design : planning and design of energy-efficient buildings / Roberto Gonzalo, Rainer Vallentin.


München : Redaktion Detail, Institut für internationale Architektur-Dokumentation, [2014]


151 pages : colour illustrations, color map, plans (some color) ; 31 cm.


Edition Detail green books

Translation of "Passivhäuser entwerfen : Planung und Gestaltung hocheffizienter Gebäude."
"Translation: Sharon Heidenreich."--Page 4.
"Edition DETAIL Green Books."
"A specialist book from Redaktion DETAIL."--Page 4.
"Edition DETAIL Green Books."--Title page.
Includes bibliographical references and subject index.
Principles : Concept approach: energy efficiency ; Definition of the passive house standard ; Passive house components ; How does a passive house work at different times of the year? ; Thermal comfort and wellbeing ; Scope and field of application ; Economy ; Energy-related sustainability and climate protection -- Passive house planning : Main principles and comparison with other standards ; Passive house criteria ; Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) ; Certified building components ; Certification of passive house buildings ; Certified passive house designers ; EnerPHit standard ; Minergie-P standard ; 2000-Watt Society: SIA D 216 ; Net-zero energy standard -- Design and planning principles : General design issues ; Passive house design principles ; Principle of thermal envelope and form factor ; Principle of homogeneity ; Solar building design in passive houses ; The importance of window placement ; Basic principles of passive house building services ; Design-based energy balance ; Impact of regional and urban climate ; Coordination of individual aspects ; Residential projects -- Reference buildings: residential -- Urban design : Impact of energy-related aspects on the urban design ; Design principles of compact and solar building ; Model urban design guidelines ; Reference projects ; Completed passive house development -- Non-residential building : Passive house principles in non-residential buildings ; Energy balance ; Features of different building typologies -- Reference buildings: non-residential -- Passive house refurbishment : Conditions for an energy efficiency refurbishment ; Refurbishment standards and strategies ; Energy balance and individual measures ; Outlook -- Reference buildings: passive house refurbishments -- Building envelope components : Significance of the building envelope ; Opaque envelope constructions ; Transparent components ; Other construction elements and special components ; Building methods and construction systems -- Building services : Ventilation ; Space heating ; Heat supply concepts ; Energy-efficient cooling systems -- Outlook.

In the course of the last two decades, the passive house standard has evolved into a key benchmark for energy-efficient construction. Passive houses are being erected in almost all parts of the world and for all types of users. At the same time, many architects are unsure about the specifics: What do passive houses really deliver, and what errors need to be avoided during planning? This book provides architects with the confidence required to deal with the passive house standard. It shows where there is significant scope for design and explains design strategies that lead to better passive houses. A selection of international buildings illustrate how design, construction and building technology combine in passive houses. Chapters on building physics, building services engineering and energy balancing round out the planning guidelines.


9783955532208 (hbk.)
3955532208 (hbk.)
(print + online)


Architecture and energy conservation.
Architecture Environmental aspects.
Sustainable buildings Design and construction.
Architecture, Domestic Environmental aspects.
Ecological houses.
Architecture, Domestic 21st century Designs and plans.
Architecture et économies d'énergie.
Architecture Aspect de l'environnement.
Maisons écologiques.
energy efficient buildings.
Architecture and Planning.
Architecture, Domestic.


Architectural drawings.

Vedettes secondaires:

Vallentin, Rainer, author.
Vallentin, Rainer author.
Gonzalo, Roberto. Passivhäuser entwerfen : Planung und Gestaltung hocheffizienter Gebäude.
Edition Detail green books.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 291250
Cote: BIB 234725
Statut: Disponible


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