Village in the city / [editors, Bruno de Meulder, Yanliu Lin, Kelly Shannon].
Zürich, Switzerland : Park Books, ©2014.
166 pages : illustrations (chiefly color), maps (chiefly color) ; 23 x 23 cm.
UFO, explorations of urbanism ; 4
"Village in the City looks at how villages become engulfed in urban centers as the population and geographic parameters of cities grow. Offering a comparative analysis of how this process occurs throughout Asia, with special attention to Chinese cities, this volume presents case studies focusing on Beijing, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Wuhan. Academics and practicing architects from Europe and Asia contribute essays that examine the dynamics of inclusion and exclusion in Chinese urbanism, migrant residents in urban centers, and urban renewal. Far-ranging and rigorous, these original essays are supplemented by over one hundred images"--Publisher's summary.
9783906027272 (paperback)
3906027279 (paperback)
Urbanization China.
City planning China.
Cities and towns China Growth Case studies.
Villages China Case studies.
Social change China.
Urbanisation Chine.
Villes Chine Croissance Études de cas.
Villages Chine Études de cas.
Cities and towns Growth
City planning
Social change
Case studies
Études de cas.
Meulder, Bruno de, 1960-
Lin, Yanliu.
Shannon, Kelly.
UFO (Amsterdam, Netherlands) ; 4.
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 287321
Cote: BIB 228311
Statut: Disponible
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