Chris Dyson Architects : practise and projects / James Pallister [and 14 others].
London : Artifice Books On Archite, 2013.
159 pages : illustrations (some color) ; 24 cm
Chris Dyson Architects specialise in finding new solutions for sensitive buildings. They have become leaders in conservation and adaptation, and are renowned for their infallible attention to detail, flair for innovative and modern design, and application of design intelligence to every project. Dyson s own award-winning home and studio in Spitalfields, London, is carved from one of the coveted early eighteenth century houses which typify the area and is a triumph in sensitive restoration and bold modernisation. The firm is perhaps best known for designing and restoring bespoke London homes. Describing himself as a Classical Modernist , Chris Dyson approaches each building with the aim of rationalising the space, making it clean-lined and easy to navigate; the home s function and soul lead the design. The team looks to enhance what is already there, employing specialist craftsmen and paying close attention to the detailing of the house before adding sleek contemporary elements. In Chris Dyson Architects: Practise & Projects, clients, colleagues and contemporaries each reflect upon the firm s expansive range of expertise and careful design process, with every project unique both in terms of aesthetic and spatial experience. Among those discussing the practice s work are artists Mona Hatoum and Jock McFadyen, writers Jeanette Winterson, Sue Hubbard, Rodney Archer, James Pallister, and architectural critic Robert Maxwell.
1908967323 (paperback)
9781908967329 (paperback)
Dyson, Chris.
Chris Dyson Architects.
Architectural firms Great Britain.
Architecture, Modern 20th century.
Architecture, Modern 21st century.
Architecture, Modern.
Agences d'architecture Grande-Bretagne.
Architecture 20e siècle.
Architecture 21e siècle.
Architectural firms
Great Britain
Localisation: Bibliothèque main 288809
Cote: BIB 230763
Statut: Disponible
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