Decoding the city : urbanism in the age of big data / Dietmar Offenhuber, Carlo Ratti, (eds).
Titre et auteur:

Decoding the city : urbanism in the age of big data / Dietmar Offenhuber, Carlo Ratti, (eds).


Basel : Birkhauser Verlag, ©2014.


192 pages : illustrations (some color), color maps ; 24 cm

Includes bibliographical references.
Introduction / Dietmar Offenhuber, Carlo Ratti -- Data: source and collection : Catching the world's eyes / Fabien Girardin -- Hubcab: exploring the benefits of shared taxi services / Michael Szell, Benedikt Groß -- Data availability/data relevance: evaluating real-time urban information usage in Singapore / Anthony Vanky -- Tracking waste to reduce waste / David Lee -- New York talk exchange : revealing urban dynamics through the global telecommunications network / Francisca M. Rojas -- Representation: models and visualizaiton : The city as a digital public space: notes for the design of live urban data platforms / Kristian Kloeckl -- City portraits and caricatures / Pedro Cruz, Penousal Machado -- Computational models of mobility: a perspective from mobile phone data / Philip Hövel, Filippo Simini, Chaoming Song, Albert-László Barabási -- Seeing the city through data/seeing data through the city / Kael Greco -- Networks of the built environment / Andreas Sevtsuk -- How polycentric are our cities? / Markus Schläpfer -- The kind of problem a city is: new perspectives on the nature of cities from complex systems theory / Luís M.A. Bettencourt -- Digital approach to regional delineation / Stanislav Sobolevsky.

"The MIT based SENSEable City Lab under Carlo Ratti is one of the research centers that deal with the flow of people and goods, but also of refuse that moves around the world. Experience with large-scale infrastructure projects suggest that more complex and above all flexible answers must be sought to questions of transportation or disposal. This edition, edited by Dietmar Offenhuber and Carlo Ratti, shows how Big Data change reality and, hence, the way we deal with the city. It discusses the impact of real-time data on architecture and urban planning, using examples developed in the SENSEable City Lab. They demonstrate how the Lab interprets digital data as material that can be used for the formulation of a different urban future. It also looks at the negative aspects of the city-related data acquisition and control. The authors address issues with which urban planning disciplines will work intensively in the future: questions that not only radically and critically review, but also change fundamentally, the existing tasks and how the professions view their own roles."--The Publisher.




Data mining.
City planning Data processing.
Data Mining
Exploration de données (Informatique)
Big Data
Exploration de données.
Urbanisme Informatique.

Vedettes secondaires:

Offenhuber, Dietmar.
Ratti, Carlo.


Localisation: Bibliothèque main 288029
Cote: BIB 229577
Statut: Disponible


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